Getting Ambushed Part II

"HURRY!!! Initiate the Space Warp Travel to sector 634!" I couldn't help but yell in panic even after in invisible mode.

["Initiating Space Warp Travel…. Sector 634 will be reached in 3 days 2 hours 28 minutes!"] Reported ATA in a calculative frosty tone.

I was scared that Sector 837 might be revealed; Therefore, I decided to misguide them to another place first to shake them off. Then from outside, the same scene where the spaceship previously does a Warp Travel occurred again.

And just like that, I managed to escape from the clutches of the space pirate. Oblivious that this might just be a trap.


At the same time on the space pirate side, a one-eyed big bald man was folding his hand on his chest with an expression that can't be read.

He was standing and observing the hologram monitor with a cold serious expression. The henchman at the side was confused by his boss's lack of expression before fearfully reported, "Boss, there weren't any casualties on our side. And I'm afraid that the target might have escaped… Should we chase after it? If we were, there might be a chance of…."

"SHUT UP!!" Graham stomped the floor hard and glared at him frighteningly.

The henchman was shocked and fall to the ground. His eyes wide open and his body couldn't stop shaking, an expression of extreme fear couldn't be hidden on his face before the smell of piss pervaded the room.

'Are all of my subordinates a fool? They couldn't even realize that there might be a reason why that freak Hussein gave the Technology Cube to him, and there's also the matter with the Golden Star Dust.'

Just then, his expression changed as he connected the Golden Star Dust with the Technology Cube.

'So that was the case! No wonder Hussein gave the Technology Cube to him.'

"There's no need to chase after him, just determine the location that he was going into and follow him! I don't believe that a junk spaceship of his capable to shake us off." Graham ordered with a wide sinister smile which showed his yellow teeth.

""Yes!!"" All his henchman replied in unison and were awed by their boss's intellect.


"Huff... Huf.. puff…"


"Hahh…" A sigh of relief escaped from my mouth.

"That was… a close call!" I could felt my hands were sweaty and couldn't stop shaking as sweats were trickling down my forehead. This moment of life and death exhausted my mental.

Remembering the abrupt communication request and the initial warning attack, I had a suspicious feeling that there might be a conspiracy hidden behind this.

I wonder why the pirates seem to be hesitating to launch a full-scale attack. After all, if the space pirates were to go all out on me back then, I might not be able to escape without losing a limb or two. Heck, I might even die without knowing anything.

No… Wait, that place was still quite close to the Blue Moon Station…. Why there weren't any patrol ships patrolling the area? Unless if it was just a pure coincidence or they had a connection to the Blue Moon Station.

My face paled upon thinking about the possibility that might trigger this. But then I calmed myself down a little by having a deep inhaled and exhaled before confirming what their objectives might be.

They might be after my…. No, only Hussein know that I possess a Golden Star Dust and even then, it was only a small amount. Was it planned by manager Lester? But why would he do that?

As I didn't understand why I was being targeted by the pirate, I took out the Technology Cube from my dimensional storage.

"I started to regret having this deal with Hussein, but he won't tell anyone that we had this kind of transaction, will he?" My forefinger and thumb caressed the smooth white cube before storing it back.

Even so, a pirate huh? They were supposed to raid a merchant or cargo ship instead of me. Just like the past had when humanity just controlled the sea on Earth.

But having escaped like this will make them hard to find me, outer space is 3-dimensional instead of 2; Thereby making the place to search countless times bigger. It also means that if someone was to escape into deep space, finding he or she again will be harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

But still, it's not like they couldn't find me again. I should take precautions and do some roundabout travel.

I rubbed my chin and turned my head on the hologram screen in front of me. Before my hand manipulated the hologram and made a specified space chart to evade the space pirates.


And just like that, 20 days passed in the blink of an eye. A sound of air being split and the stomping sound of something hitting the floor resounding through the room.

Sweat was trickling down my body as I was moving with expertise, executing a set of martial movement fluidly. I knew that I had the movement of a martial arts expert that had practiced for years as it was shown by the hologram screen at the corner of the room.

As usual, I could feel my body increase in power quite swiftly after executing this martial movement multiple times. Well, it all thanks to gene modification that people in this era are stronger and had an easier body to train.

Suddenly, after I had performed a few more sets of movements, a frosty female voice rang out from the surrounding, ["We had reach sector 837, should I direct the ship closer to the wormhole?"]

Finally! after 20 days of roundabout trip.

"Do as what I had planned, gather as much of the dust as we could!"

["As you commanded!"]

Since there haven't been any signs of pirate showing up anywhere, Although I cannot lower my guard just yet, I think it might be better to grab as much as I could first, before dealing with this ticking time bomb somehow.

My finger unconsciously rubbed the dimensional storage as the Technology Cube entered my mind. Thereafter, I wore my ceramic armor and ATHENA, just in case the worst possible outcome was to happen. As the spaceship was in the middle of gathering the Golden Star Dust, I was leisurely sitting on the captain chair and my eyes couldn't stop checking the radar for any signs of pirates.

"Guess, they won't come, right?"

Just right when that statement left my mouth, dozens of red dots were abruptly showing up on the monitor's 3-dimensional gravity sensor as if to oppose my word. It was surrounding my spaceship from all sides, including above and below.

"This… did I just raise a death flag somehow?" I was lost for words and regretted playing with words. My eyebrows furrowed in worry about how I would cope with this.

Suddenly a line of communication request appeared on the hologram screen, ["Transmission Request had been detected, accept?"]

"Again, with a communication request? Show me then." Although confusion still pervaded my mind by the sudden communication request, I decided to accept it anyway.

Then, the face of a one-eyed bald man with a scar on his left eye was shown on the hologram monitor of the ship. A menacing smile was plastered over his face before he opened his mouth and said, "So, you're Victor? You must be wondering why I; the great pirate Graham chase you this far?"

Silent was what I could demonstrate here, I was wary of it being a ploy. my eyes then widened as I realized what might attract the space pirate.

"You must be looking for this, right?" my hand opened, and a white cube was shown on top.

Seeing that smooth and sophisticated looking white cube was the Technology Cube he looking for, Graham grinned in greed before stating, "Let's make this simple, as long as you gave it to me, I will give you a painless death!"

Hmph… Did he think I was a foolish person that will just accept death? Furthermore, this place also... guess I will play along.

"What kind of a fool would accept that!? If you back away for a million kilometers, I promise to give you the Technology Cube, or else I will just destroy it!" Threatened me with a straight face.

"You BRAT!! Fine! But if you were to renege the deal, I will chase after you even to the end of the galaxy!" Despite saying that, a bloodlust and sinister look were plastered on Graham's eye. I knew that if I was to renege, He would chase me even to the end of the world.

Suddenly, one of his henchmen reported hurriedly in a whisper from the side.

"What!?" Graham's mouth was wide open from the report before he laughed as he declared loudly, "Jiaha-jiahahaha…. I'm afraid that I don't need the Technology Cube anymore and thank you for delivering me this place full of treasure, as a reward I will be sending you to the afterlife."

Damn, they realize it! My eyes grew dim and a clench of fist formed on my hand; I had been trying to cover the fact that this place was full of the Golden Star Dust but alas they still realized it in the end.

Just then, Graham grinned as he added, "Oh… one more thing, the reason I know that you owned the Technology Cube was none other than Hussein, he betrayed you! What does it feel to be betrayed again in life?"