Exploring A Fantasy Town Part II

As we went back to the plaza, I gazed around the place to find the Merchant Guild. My vision then locked onto a fairly large building with a sign of weighing scales hanging on the door. There was also a signboard with "Merchant Guild" written on it in Common Language.

Hmm… What a classical way to inform the people. From what Brown said, this world had many kinds of guild; such as the Merchant Guild, the Mercenary Guild, the Alchemist Guild, and much more. But there wasn't such a thing such as 'Adventurers Guild' like in many Fantasy books. I wonder why?

"Lillie, let's go there." I had my hand pointed off towards the building.

"Where's the candies?" Lillie started demanding with an expression that showed she wouldn't budge if her wish wasn't granted

Could not refuse, I took out the candy pouch from the dimensional storage before giving a handful to her. "Here. Are you happy now?"

"Hehe~," She smiled innocently before munching one of the candies and put the rest into her pocket.

Just then, I entered the building and noticed that the interior was quite luxuriously decorated. The place was full of people wearing fancy merchant clothing; a lot of them even had jewelry and ornaments all over their bodies. They stared at me for a moment before losing interest and continued their business.

Noticing that there was a counter for registration at the side, I moved towards it. To my surprise, a female receptionist with long silver hair and a cool demeanor was sitting behind the counter. She was wearing an official blue uniform and a strange mystic one-eyed lens that pulled anyone's attention to it.

The receptionist was looking back and forth at me and Lillie. Finally, she locked her cold stare at me and questioned, "What business do you have here?"

"I want to register as a merchant, here's my identification card." I handed her the newly made card.

The receptionist coldly took the identification card before staring at Lillie. "Is she your relative?"

Wary by that question, I answered cautiously, "Yes, she's my niece." Did she recognize her? No… even if she was, the camouflage badge should have changed her appearance.

"Tell me where you kidnapped her?" She questioned in a monotone voice resembling that of ATA.

"Huh?" Was the camouflage badge broken? Still… there was no way that she could know that we weren't related.

"No… forgive my blurt just now. Could you show me her identification card?" Seeing that it would be suspicious not to show her, I gave her Lillie's identification card.

"This…." The receptionist scrutinized her eyes before glaring at me with a disgusted look. She then rang a bell at the table.

Subsequently, two big-bodied guards came and surrounded me before holding my arms. I couldn't help but question, "What's the meaning of this?"

The receptionist smiled as she held her one lens, "Did you think those Magic Tools able to hide your true appearance?"

["Master~! I detected that her eye-lens might be a Magic Tool that able to bypass camouflage badge. But from her reaction, it seems that it wasn't able to completely bypass it."] ATHENA suddenly answered my dilemma.

Oh, shoot! Although I expected such a thing existed, for it to be able to bypass advanced technology was insane. The identification card should have made it more convincing since it was made just today.

The receptionist suddenly approached Lillie and patted her head. "Don't worry little missy. I'll send you back to your family."

"Eh...?" Lillie gave a confused look before staring at me for help. Ah, you… I'm the one who needs help, not you! This is a pain in the ass to meet a wet blanket like her. Should I just use that and take Lillie to get away from here? It should be easy, but…

"Guards! Bring this disgusting man to the prison to be question—"

"Don't take Victor! He didn't kidnap Lillie!" Lillie butted in and gave a pitiful look to the receptionist.

"No need to lie, little missy. Just tell me what your nobility house and—" The receptionist's expression changed as she looked at the bracelet in her hand before asking, "Hmm? Who is he to you, little miss?"

"He… He's Lillie's im— Lillie's hero." Lillie flushed before giving a determined look.

"Ah… I understand. Guards, you're dismissed." The receptionist waved out her hand to the guards. In response, the guards nodded before releasing my arms and left.

"I apologize for my doing just now. Let me introduce myself, I'm the head branch of Anarla Merchant Guild, Lana." The receptionist named Lana introduced with a slight apologetic bow. No wonder she had so many Magic Tool and in-depth knowledge about noble appearance.

"Ahem… It's fine. We had a personal reason to cover our appearance. If you may, could I register now?"

"Please be my guest." She invited.

With that, I registered at the Merchant Guild and received a merchant guild card after paying 2,000 Ralz. The registration fee was four times the identification card registration because of the process and several fees that would need to be handled.

"Er… I want to sell a few things. Could I do it here?" Since I was in the Merchant Guild, I decided to kill a few birds with one stone.

"Usually we reject such request because we open a market on a specific day for that specifically. But since you're still new, I'll handle it myself."

"Good. I would like to sell these things." With a flick of my wrist, five giant crabs came out from the dimensional storage.

"Hmm? Interspatial Ring… No, Interspatial Bracelet and 5 Clearwater Giant Crabs… Sir must have a deep identity." Although the head branch Lana was a bit surprised, she managed to maintain a professional decorum.

"Their conditions are good and well-preserved. But since there has been an influx of magical beasts coming from Anarla Hills, I couldn't give a high price for them. But… I'll give a normal market price to apologize for my mistake before, however." She then gave me a pouch containing 10 gold coins from a drawer.

Well, she's a merchant after all. She cannot do a transaction that wouldn't benefit her.

Afterward, I asked her a few questions about setting up a Chamber of Commerce and a few other things. Once that was done, I took the dozing Lillie with me after saying goodbye. Now that it's done, I think it's about time to buy new clothes for Lillie.

"ATHENA, had you finished mapping the town?"

["Yes, Master~! I'll show the map."]

Just then, a 3D map of the town appeared on the screen of my helmet. There were various kinds of logos indicating a myriad of places. I had my finger touched the closest clothing store and a waypoint pointer to guide me there suddenly superimposed on my helmet's screen, showing me the way to get there.

"Victor, where are we going now?" Lillie suddenly inquired from the side

"A clothing store, you seemed to lack clothes, so I decided to buy some for you."

"Clothes for Lillie? Yay~!" She happily circled me.

Shortly thereafter, I followed the line with Lillie in tow. Over time, the disgusting smell of waste drifted into my nostrils. I realized that there was a slum not far from the road. It was littered with waste, fesses, and all kinds of disgusting fluids. There were also beggars and slum people living there.

"Oh God! Does this world not have good sanitation? It's sure sucks to live in this place."

"Victor, what is a God?" Lillie suddenly asked me while showing a confused look. Huh? Does this world not have a definition of God? Weird…

"No.. it's nothing. Let's find another place to go." And thus, I searched for another alternative path to use.

A few moments later, we reached a bigger and well-maintained stone road. Lavish clothing stores then met my eyes from the other side of the road. I went into the fanciest clothing store of them all. It had a dress and suit sign hanging on the door and a signboard with "Anarla Fancy Store Clothing" written on them.

Not even a second after I entered the store, there were 3 males and 3 females attendants bowing to me. ""Greeting, customers!""

My head nodded and gazed around the store, finding that it was filled with fancy and expensive-looking clothes. So, this is what a fancy clothes store looks like in a fantasy world? Interesting…

Upon finished looking around, I stared at one of the attendants and ordered, "I want to buy various kinds of clothes for my niece. No matter the price, just select the fittest for her that she likes."

Then, I had my hand grabbed out the pouch of gold coins. "Is this enough?"

Stunned by the gold pouch on my hand, the attendants hastily bowed. "Esteemed sir, please wait a moment. I'll call the manager."

Before long, a seductive woman with a smoking pipe wearing a red dress came to me. She inhaled her pipe before blowing the smoke out off to the side and questioned as she stared at Lillie, "Is this little cutie, the customer? Follow me!"

Lillie eyed me and followed her, not before I told her to move the camouflage badge to her wrist as it could change shape accordingly. In the next few minutes, she came in and out of the changing room, each with various sets of different clothes that showcased her charms differently.

Finally, she came out with a set of clothes that I couldn't help but stare at her for quite a long time. I gulped and exclaimed to myself, "Ah… a gothic loli… I'm definitely will record this rare sight."

"V-Victor… how does Lillie look?" She furtively peeked at me while poking her fingers together.

"Yeah, I think it looks very good on you. You look cute." Her cheeks then became scarlet in shyness and a small smile creeped out on the edges of her mouth.