The Campaign Part II

"Is this the power of a Magus!? No… He said that he was only a 5th Rank Acolyte… If so, how powerful is an official Magus?" Cold sweat poured down my back as my eyes gazed at the hologram monitor.

Making an ice bridge and boosting the morale of a whole army… Magic is boundless, isn't it? I had long since accepted the fact that it was real but seeing it with my own eyes is a different thing altogether.

Damn! I thought that scaring them with high voltage combined with artificial rain would be enough, but it seemed to be just my naïve thinking. Such a shame… if it worked, I would be able to bring them down in one fell swoop. This leaves me with no choice but to proceed with Plan B.

Then, I let them cross the icy bridge and arrived safely on my side. It wasn't that I couldn't just use an explosion to blast them but killing so much abled bodied men would be such a waste. Moreover, they weren't my true target.

After crossing the icy bridge, they were now able to see the wall of my base — it was only 500 meters away. The shocked expression on their faces made me chuckle. Besides, I could hear what they said since there were tons of bug robots spread around the place. Yup, it was the bugs that had monitored them since the beginning.

"I-is that the objective that we must capture? That wall… Why does it look so smooth as if made by a precious metal?" A handsome looking knight which seemed to be the commander of the army commented while stroking his blonde hair.

Suddenly, a group of five men wearing black robes came out from behind. The one at the lead which emitted a gloomy feeling hit the ground with his skull staff as he exclaimed, "This… this is… Not mistaken, it's indeed the legacy of the past." Legacy of the past? What is he talking about? Nonetheless, I think it's the right time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sounds of explosion burst out from the surrounding of the army just shortly after they finished crossing the river. The blinding light of flame then spread throughout the left and right side of the army, leaving them only forward and backward sides to advance. I noticed that all the personnel — including the five black-robed figures and the handsome knight — were shocked flabbergasted. They couldn't believe what they just saw but still barely managed to stay calm and cool minded.

"Shit! Charge! Charge! All melee troops, Charge! Archers prepare to load your bows! Siege troops! Prepare the siege engines!" The handsome looking knight shouted and pointing his sword to the base.

The still morally influenced army yelled and charged at the wall of the base. Bringing with them swords, shields, spears, and ladders to scale the wall. The archers at the back were loading their bows and prepared to shoot while catapults, ballistae, and other kinds of siege engines were prepared. Hehe… Just as planned. They didn't know that they were just dancing in my palm. Guess, time for the next move.

Just when the vanguard of the enemy army got near the wall, sparks of electricity emerged from it. Electrocuting anyone within the 10 meters range of the wall. All the soldiers that were near it convulsed and screamed in agony before their body curled up like a cooked shrimp, unconscious.

Although all of them looks to be suffering, I had, in fact, limited the current enough to barely make them unconscious and suffered minimal damage. It's not that I'm being lenient, it's just a waste of population.

Rapidly, all kinds of projectiles such as arrows, boulders, and big bolts were approaching the base. Unfortunately for them, the moment it neared the wall, an invisible shield appeared and blocked the incoming projectiles.

"Heh… Did you think such a simple Medieval Age weaponry able to break the energy shield? You must be dreaming!" I smirked in disdain for their ignorant.

After having not able to advance any further, the soldiers started hesitating and morale began to plummet. On top of that — being confused about what to do next — hundreds of robots were raining down from the top of the wall. Aiming and firing the soldiers below with their high voltage rifle on their hand.

Zririririt! Zririririt! Zririririt!

All the soldiers on the surrounding were electrocuted with a blue streak of lightning that came out from the rifle. One by one of the soldiers fell unconscious, their wet metallic armor just helped the electricity spread even further. This sudden stampede of the robots caused panic and broke the morale of the front troops. Making them ran away in chaos and trampling each other to be the first to flee. Hmm? Why are their formation collapsed so swiftly?

"Hikk!! What should we do now?" One of the soldiers in the front collapsed to the ground and couldn't stop trembling.

A middle-aged squad leader tried to pacify, "Don't panic! Wait, where's the commander?" Ah… so this is the case.

"Now, it's time to set out the net!" I had my mouth grind in amusement, certain in my victory.


Knight Robert's Perspective

Shit! Run! I need to run! I don't care about military law anymore! As long as I escaped from this place alive, I would be able to start anew. Thought Knight Bertolt as he was desperately forcing his white horse to gallop and cross the icy bridge without bothering to glance back.

As he almost reached the shore, a plump and shrewd middle-aged noble was standing at the mouth of the bridge. He pointed his finger to Knight Bertolt and began yelling, "Bertolt! What are you doing? Are you trying to desert from the battle?"

Despite the non-stop yelling and berating, Knight Bertolt just rolled his eyes and ignored him. Nonetheless, he stopped stunned and cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

"What? You want my mercy? Hmph! Don't think that I'll give you any! Men, capture this deserter!" As he ordered that, he closed his eyes with a smug look. However, no matter how many times he waited; no answer of his underling was heard.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Did you want to stand against my command?" Furious, Lord Andrei turned back to berate his soldiers, but what he saw made him fell to the ground and started trembling.

"Hikkk! W-who are you?" What met his eyes wasn't his elite guards, but the 50 or so men wearing strange armor suit that covered their face and body. One man who seemed to be their leader moved forward. Ignoring his question, the full armored suit man just pointed his weapon and started firing.


Lord Andrei was electrocuted, and he screamed in agony with tears and snot came out from his orifices. He then fell unconscious with a hilarious shock look on his fat face. Knight Bertolt could only freeze in thought upon seeing the sight.

When the strange man was about to point his strange weapon to him. Knight Bertolt suddenly proposed, "Fighting with a despicable way like that isn't the way of a knight! I know that you're a knight. Duel me one on one with a sword!"

Despite not answering anything, the strange armored man put his strange weapon away and drew out a sword from his side. Seemingly accepted the duel, Knight Bertolt got off his horse and did a knight salute before taking a battle posture. Not bothering with anything else, he charged at the armored man while swinging his sword expertly. In response, the armored man moved his blade to parry the attack.


"Heh? A 2nd no… a 3rd Rank Warrior… it seems that I'm scared for nothing." Knight Bertolt kept up with his numerous piercing, slicing, slashing and swinging. Not giving any chance for the armored man to counterattack.

Just then, the strange suit of the armored man brightened and he burst out in strength. In a split second, He swung his sword sideways, forcing Knight Bertolt to take a defensive posture and back away several steps.

"What are you…?" Knight Bertolt eyed the armored man warily as he thought, How could his power drastically increase instantaneously? Is it the effect of a potion? No… that armor must be a Magic Equipment!

Without answering Knight Bertolt's question, the armored man moved and disappeared from sight. Stunned by that, Knight Bertolt closed his eyes and used his extraordinary sense to search the area. He unexpectedly smiled and slashed his sword to the left.

"Hmph. Don't underestimate me!"


Cracks appeared on the mask of the armored man, revealing a part of the face of a vicious middle-aged man. He had a cut scar that ran through half of his face and sparse mustache that made his face looked cold-blooded.

"You… You're the missing cavalry commander!" Knight Bertolt froze in thought upon finding that someone he was fighting with was supposedly an ally.

Not wasting that opening, the armored man swung his sword with a boosted speed of his armored suit. Hacking the handsome knight's head in one fell swoop which then dropped to the ground, still in an unbelief expression. His headless body also fell to the ice ground, lifeless.

Suddenly, the armored man opened his mouth and a monotone voice came out, "Objective completed. Moving to the next plan courses of action." He then went away somewhere with the 50 others armored men while bringing the captives with them.