Supernatural Scientific Station

[Host. We'll be out of hyperspace within 30 seconds. Please sit tight on the chair.] ATA's cold voice rang out when I was busily wearing my suit and helmet. Geh… I should have this suit upgraded to make it more convenient to wear.

Before long, the spaceship was out of hyperspace. This time though, there was a blinding blue dot in the distance. The dot was rotating so fast and active that it left a long trail on both of its poles. Not mistaken, the blue dot was a pulsar.

This pulsar is so bright… Even though the spaceship was about 100 AU away, it still blinding to the eye… Wait, what's that big ring?

Around 50 AU away from the pulsar, I noticed that a cylinder mega-structure with a radius of about a kilometer in magnitude was orbiting. It wasn't a Bishop Ring as such a thing was gigantic nor was it a habitat since the width it had was very slender.

Unable to hold my curiosity, I asked, "ATHENA, do you know what that big ring is?"

[From the data network that I recently gathered, it seems to be called Star Relay, Master~]

"Star Relay? Is it a new way of fast travel?" I tilted my head, feeling a bit familiar with the word.

[Yes, Master~! Star Relay is a newly discovered technology by Professor Landon Steward in 3150. Recently, only just a dozen or so were constructed so far. Here is how Star Relay works…]

When that was said, a 3D holo-screen containing general knowledge of Star Relay was projected out. Although I wasn't a scientist and didn't have very deep knowledge, understanding the general knowledge was no problem. Ah… with this kind of technology, 1,000 light-years can be traversed in just an hour.

Star Relay itself has a limit range of 1,000 light-years. It connected two distant places that normally can't be crossed without spending days or even weeks. The only limitation is that it needed two Star Relays within 1,000 light-years at each endpoint of the two places to work.

"Anyway, enough of that. ATA, direct the ship to the S.S.S.!"

[As you command]

A few moments later, a black-colored, barren rocky planet was within sight. Clearly, the planet had lost its atmosphere from the hazardous radiation of the pulsar and only remained intact because it was located quite a distance away from the pulsar. There was a huge and sophisticated space station dozens of times bigger than the Blue Moon Station orbiting it.

"Wow! What a sight… The size of the station itself is comparable to a mini-moon. It must have a miniature ecosystem inside. As expected of one of the most leading scientific stations of humanity."

Hmm… it seems to protect from the radiation emitted from the pulsar, the S.S.S. was constructed near a big rocky planet. I mean it indeed gives a weak magnetic shield as well as material for the station. Well, it's not like the station wasn't equipped with an advanced shield and coated by anti-radiation material.

Shortly, I issued permission to dock and had my spaceship docked in one of the big hangars. The process of the docking was quite the same as the Blue Moon Station. The only difference was that the robots on this station was the one that approached my spaceship first and scanned my identity the moment the ship landed.

[That will be 1,000 credits per day, proceed?]

"What!? Isn't this a day-light robbery?"

[The station's new regulation is absolute. Pay or leave.] The robot replied in a monotone voice.


Reluctantly, I paid the robot with a bleeding heart. This is weird, this station is indeed big and all, but aren't it too much for a newcomer? Wait, did the robot just said new regulation?

"ATHENA, collect all the recent information in the station and find the cause for the new regulation!"

[Of course, it will be done in a minute!]

Not bothering to wait for ATHENA's answer, I proceeded to the inner port. To my surprise, the inner port was huge. Just like a planet, I could see a blue sky above and even mountains in the distance. There was even an artificial sun and moon brightening the ground.

"Cool! I cannot say that I'm not surprised. Now then, let's get into the loop train and… what's that?"

Above in the sky, there was a big robot flying freely. From the movement and designs it had, it was a Mobile Robot Suit. Due to its cool design, capability for battle, and the means to enter hyperspace if equipped with it, it was very popular for rich people. Although it got a very glaring limitation, for example, it was slow compared to a space jet, clunky, and need a professional pilot to use. The amount of firepower also lost even to a standard corvette-class spaceship.

A Mobile Robot Suit might be useless in this universe, but if I use it in another… It would become a killing machine. Right now, I've got around 100 million credits, enough to buy a few such things. I'll include that in my list.

With that in mind, I got into the loop train and went to the commercial district. No matter how much I wished to have something, I would need to buy it first. Before long, the sophisticated commercial district was within sight. Advanced robots, androids, cyborgs, humans, and drones filled the street. Many hovering vehicles were busily traveling around at fast speed.

Out of the blue, ATHENA's emoticon appeared on my HUD and her cheerful voice sounded out, [Master~! I have gathered the recent news and reason for the new regulation. It seems that the conference had chosen the new Super Scientist 10 days ago.]

"Super Scientist? What's that?" Unfamiliar with the term, I creased my brows.

[Super Scientist is a title for the most capable scientist in the S.S.S. As for who was pointed, it seems to be Professor Rudolf Gastrolune of the Scientific Department.]

"Hmm… Interesting. But it has nothing to do with me… Still, I should be cautious." Without minding it further, I went to the biggest store with a hovering disk.

There were lots of choices of stores but since I was looking for the most complete store, the Black Star store seemed to fit the description. However, when I was about to enter the store, a 20 or so years old light-blue haired pretty woman with a smug-looking suddenly came out. Surprised, I took a step back and subconsciously touched my dimensional storage.

She scanned me before yelling with an annoyed tone, "What are you looking at? Get out of my way!" Huh? Did she was the one that talk?

Mistaking my silence and me touching the dimensional storage as a hostile means, she raised her arms to me and threatened, "My patience's limited! If you're looking for a fight, then you're looking for a wrong target."

What's she talking about? Ah… It's must be a misunderstanding.

The moment I was about to say something, I could feel that my body grew light and the solid ground was no longer feelable. Wait, am I floating? Is this magic? No… Impossible!

[Be careful, Master! This is the power of an Esper. A gifted human known to possess a psychic power.] ATHENA's warning emerged on my HUD.

Esper? What!? I thought it was only a rumor.

"Hmph! What a bumpkin." She snorted, swinging her raised arm sideways.

At that moment, my floating body was flung to the side. It was as if an invisible force threw me away. I couldn't believe what just happened, the woman though, snorted in disdain and went away. Shit! What the heck with that? Wait… did all this time she spoke without opening a mouth?

[I just found the news recently. It seems that after successful experimentation conducted a few decades ago, Esper had been appearing one after another. By enhancing and allowing the full use of the human brain, anyone can have psychic powers. Yet, how powerful it is still depended on how gifted they are.]

I stood up and patted my suit while asking with interest, "So, I can be an Esper?"

[Yes, Master~ But the woman before was named Sharie Topaz, one of the strongest known Esper. Esper is still new, so the limit of their power is still unknown. It also needs an extensive amount of time to practice and master.]

After knowing that she was at the level of the strongest Esper and the needed time to practice was long, my interest diminished a little. Well, there's magic which is stronger. I ought not to gamble my time on this. Still, having an army of Esper is interesting.

"Hahahaha! Having been thrown by a girl. You sure are an interesting bub." Unexpectedly, a laughing sound came from the side when I was about to enter the store.

Feeling insulted, I turned my head and saw a middle-aged man with an unkempt appearance. He was bringing booze with him and swaying around the place. Is he a drunkard? No… he's wearing a… huh? Why is it obscure? Weird…

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am… a nobody." He drank his booze before smiling at me like a broken man.