A Profitable Negotiation and an Absurd Surprise

"Hmph! As if that's true!"

"Sir, if it isn't against Sir's objective, how about we negotiate? I won't attack Sir's territory any longer and willing to cede the Brightmoon fiefdom. In exchange, Sir must release the living soldiers of Razel," The Grand Duke suggested with neither servile nor overbearing attitude.

That's quite a good proposal. Still, to show some superiority, I couldn't simply accept just yet.

"You know what? I have regarded all the places you mentioned as my territory. Using them for negotiation is a no-no."

"Sir! Don't ask too much! Although I'm not confident in facing Sir, my country won't stay silent if our pride is trampled!" The Grand Duke's face contorted; he wouldn't back off even in death.

"Humph! You, an ant, dare to negotiate?! If my full forces are here, you would have been dead! Fine, but you need to compensate me for the reparation of war in magic stones! As for the amount… it should satisfy me." As that was voiced out, silence pervaded the area.

Initially, I believed that I made a certain mistake on my wording and he wouldn't accept, but then he said, "Okay! I'll give Sir the appropriate compensation, but Sir needs to return our soldiers and mustn't attack the Dukedom for ten years."

"Fine, I shall accept."

As our deal was sealed, I activated the MRS's plasma propulsion and rocketed into the sky. Of course, I didn't worry that he would back away from his words since I still had the soldiers in my hand.


The Grand Duke's Perspective

He's finally gone, eh? The Grand Duke gazed into the distance with a mixed look. He wouldn't have believed such a thing would happen if someone told him in the past.

"Damn it! To think that I need to bow to such an existence, this is so disgraceful!"

Out of the blue, an elderly minister approached him from behind and said, "Your Highness… Is it really all right to accept such an outrageous compromise?"

"You may not know it, but I couldn't feel any magic nor mana on the golem itself, it was as if what I faced wasn't a normal golem. If such a thing could kill Arnold with ease then the capital was threatened. The lives of my subjects cannot be at stake."

"But… Wouldn't it be better if we use all of our forces to take that golem down? This is our home field and I don't believe that he has more of such golem."

"What do you know?! Even if that was the case, the Magic Institute of Ralonia will take him down without needing us to do anything," the Grand Duke glared at the elderly minister but then stated, "Enough! Arnold was a thorn placed by the Institute to watch me. His absence will be a good thing for the Dukedom. I may be a peak Great Spiritual Knight but that legacy holder's existence will take the Institute's attention from us.

"Ah… Your Highness is brilliant! This old minister admits inferiority." The elderly minister bowed to the Grand Duke with a look of reverence.

"It's nothing much. You just still didn't know about some wider and more complicated matters happening outside the Dukedom. Anyway, the loss of the Brightmoon territory isn't something major. Still, we might benefit a little since, without Arnold, we can control the court magicians."

"But Your Highness, what should we do about the magic stone? Although we have quite a summable amount of them, how many are the 'satisfied amount'?"

"About that, you don't have to worry. He didn't offer any magic contract. For an existence like that to not offer one, it's a bit suspicious. Anyway, he didn't specify on what form the magic stone is. It's just so happened to be one extremely exhausted magic stone mine near the Brightmoon territory, we shall cede it to him." The Grand Duke smiled, looking to be not worried in the least.

"As expected of Your Highness, already thinking that far." The elderly minister once again bowed and took a step back.

"Alright, let's get back. There's so much matter to be taken care of because of this. A loss of territory is still a loss. The people will question us, we must handle it."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

With that concluded, the Grand Duke and the elderly minister went back to the palace in the center of the city.


As I traversed the sky at an incredible speed with the MRS, a black-walled city was finally visible in the distance. Now, I had the time to observe the place in more detail.

The black-charred ground colored the surrounding plains. The new wall — which had been constructed when I was gone — had a big gaping hole and some cracks all over its surface. I couldn't help but frown upon witnessing such a sight. Lillie and the others are safe, right?

Shortly, my line of sight landed on the Headquarter building. Luckily, there wasn't even single damage nor any indication that the enemy had entered the inner wall. Hmm… ATA's backup surely had done a great job at handling the enemy. I'm glad that I used the A.I. enhancement in the past. Now, where should I land? There, I guess…

When the MRS landed, I came out and flexed out my body. The helmet on my head was instantly dissolved into nano-matter and revealed my face, making me able to freely inhale the fresh air. The constant use of the MRS had been quite tasking for the body. If it wasn't for the Knight breathing technique, it would have been hard.

Subsequently, I entered the building while taking a deep inhale. I found that the inside had dozens of robots and sentry guns guarding the place. If someone was to ask me whether I was a bit nervous or not, then I would say "yes" without a doubt. Although ATA had told me that everyone was unharmed, the feeling of worry couldn't be eased up.

It just took a moment before I realized that I had reached the living room's automatic door. It then opened and revealed the inside of the room. I could see that Brown was busy handling paperwork, and there was also a pure, white-haired little girl which was none other than Lillie. She was wearing the gothic dress that was previously bought in the town and was in the middle of reading a holo-book. A trace of cake and honey was seen on her mouth.

"I'm glad that nothing happe—"

Suddenly and surprisingly, something dashed and bump into me. I could feel that my neck was heavy, as two small, snow-white hands cling into it. It was none other than Lillie, she immediately dashed into me and hugged my neck the moment she saw me. Since she was way shorter than me, she jumped and used her hands to hold the weight.

"Victor, you're back! Li-Lillie miss…" she suddenly stopped and blushed innocently, but then continued, "A-Anyway… Where's the souvenir you promised? Lillie expects some candy. If you don't give me candy… Li-Lillie will kiss you!"


This must be because of what she reads, right? Anyhow, what book is it? I glanced at the holo-book and found that it was a teenager romantic, thriller book about Halloween. The heck? Was there such a book in the database before? I don't think I ever collect any.

"Milord!" Brown immediately approached us and bowed. I, however, noticed that his forehead was twitching. Uh-oh…

When I put my gaze back to Lillie, I couldn't help but be conscious that we were too close and I could even feel her soft breath; so, in order to avoid a misunderstanding, I replied, "Candy? Did I promise any? Anyway, please let go for a mome—"

On my forehead, I could feel a soft, small lip. I couldn't help but open my eyes wide and realized that she meant what she said. Wha… Wait, this is what she means by kissing, right? I'm glad that her pureness is too thick.

"Humph!" She let me go and sat back on the sofa, puffing her red cheeks. She still furtively peeking at me though.

Luckily the kissing on the forehead means social gesture, if not, I'm scared that I would be deemed as a lolicon. I'm not one, okay! Wait, does this world even have this kind of custom? Ah! I don't know anymore.

"Ahem! Brown, could you give me the report for the month when I was gone?" I sat on the sofa across Lillie and waited for an answer. However, no matter how long I waited, no answer came whatsoever; thus, I glanced at him.

This… this kind of look… Brown is frozen solid in place with a non-stop twitching on his face. I must do something.

Hence, I transmitted a voice to ATHENA, "Could you do something to him?"

[Yes! With the nanobot inside his body, it shouldn't be a problem, Master~!]

Shortly, Brown's facial expression turned back to normal. He then coughed and reported, "Milord! The development of the city and the management of the Brightmoon territory have been without much problem. Since milord has come, then the invading Razel army must have been taken care of."

"Indeed. Well done and thank you for your hard work on managing the place when I was gone."

"It's my pleasure, milord." Brown bowed and took a step back.

Afterward, I glanced back at the sulking Lillie. Unable to hold my laughter, I chuckled, "Pfth… I'm just joking! Here's your souvenir."

I flicked my wrist, taking out a pink peach hairpin. It was a souvenir that I bought on the S.S.S. and it "Wow! So beautiful. Can you put it on Lillie?"


After adorning Lillie with it, she let out a cheerful innocent smile. Looking at her like that, I couldn't help but follow suit. Hmm… Just as I thought, a peach hairpin is a perfect fit for her.