Water 7 [Part 3]

A man with blue hair and red eyes was walking the streets of Water 7. He is grumbling in anger.

DIO: "That damn b*tch really needs to get laid. I'll admit she is very-very hot, her breast were even larger than Robin-Chan, but that doesn't mean she can treat ME like that!" *Sighs* "Where are they anyway?" he asked out loud.

DIO checked the island with his Kenbunshoku Haki, 'I hope Robin-Chan won't be angry with me. I won the fight after all' he thought as he found their location.

DIO walks towards the ship, wondering how his crew will react when they see him.


-Blue-Hair Ship-

Karin: "I'm going shopping, Suigetsu come with me." She grabs his hand and starts pulling him with inhumane strength.

Suigetsu: "Leave me alone you Tomato. I'm not going to be dragged to one of your shopping crazes anymore" he says while trying to get free.

Jugo starts hiding, already being forced to carry uncountable amounts of bags for Karin, while she tries uncountable number of dresses and shoes she rarely even wears.

Karin: "Erina do you want to come with me, we need new Bikinis after all"

Suigetsu starts imagining Erina with a white bikini "Suigetsu-Sama could you please spread sun block on my back?", his nose starts bleeding.

He comes to his senses and grabs Erina and Karin's wrists "Let's hurry up. We need to buy you 2 all types of bikinis"

Getting annoy at her friends antics, Karin punches him in the face "Shut up, you perv"

Ain and Robin chuckles at their antics, while Erina wasn't sure either to laugh or sneer at her crew mates.

Suigetsu: "Robin, Ain join us. We need to make sure you have everything you'll need. Especially you Robin-Chan I'm sure Captain would love a black string bikini on you"

Unexpectedly a figure appeared next to Suigetsu and slammed him out of the ship. Suigetsu crash land into the sea, the crew drew their weapons. Glaring at the figure.

???: "Yo everyone. Did you miss me?"

Ain was the first to recognize the mysterious figure, she lowered her daggers "Welcome back, Captain."

They all take a good look at the figure in front of them, and just as Ain said it was DIO.

Robin ran towards him and pulled him into her bosom crying softly.

DIO thought 'I really need to fight against Admirals more often'

She lifted his head and give him a long and passionate kiss and then slapped him "You are never scaring me like that again" giving him a look that meant unless he wanted to train his right arm for the next couple of weeks he should agree.

And DIO being a smart man, does the only thing he could. Nod furiously and hope that is enough.

Suigetsu who had just gotten out of sea makes whipping sounds and Jugo laughs at his Captain's plight.

DIO glares at them and then smirks: "At least I'm getting some"

Robin shakes her head and whispers to DIO "I still need to try that dancers outfit we bought at Alabasta"

DIO quickly looks at everyone "Guys I'm really tired, I'll tell you about what happened to me in dinner." He grabs Robin's hand and walks toward their quarters.

Few minutes later, they all had red faces. Karin was muttering "If we don't get sound proof doors I'm cutting Captain's favorite limb" Ain and Erina were silently agreeing with her.

Seeing the 3 angry women the 2 male crew members does the smart thing and stays quite.


-Dinner Time-

DIO had a satisfied smile on his face, while Robin was slightly blushing.

Suigetsu: "So Captain, what exactly happened? News paper tried to hide as much as possible and only said you managed to escape the Admiral."

DIO who was eating a large piece of meat stops and smirks "He was strong, but I advanced my Haki and managed to win."

Robin: "How did you sail to Water 7"

DIO: "I was attacked by Kuja Pirates, they destroyed the small ship I stole and so they agreed to give me a ride"

Suigetsu: "THE Kuja Pirates? Pirate crew full of beautiful women, wearing revealing bikinis and lead by THE Most Beautiful Woman Alive?!??"

As soon as DIO nods he felt shivers all over his body, he turned towards Robin who's eyes were shadowed and there appear to be a Shikigami figure behind her.

DIO quickly adds: "Bu-but they exaggerate her looks. Robin-Chan is by far better looking. Also Hancock's personality is THE biggest turn off."

The Shikigami figure fades away a bit and DIO sighs. He had no idea how his girlfriend was scarier than an Admiral.

Jugo: "So Captain. What are you thinking about our bounties?"

DIO was grateful to his First Mate. If he did not change the subject who knows what Robin might have done?

DIO: "I think it's amazing, especially you. First time bounty of 100,200,000 Berry."

Suigetsu: "Mine is not that behind 94,000,000 Berry" he had a smug look as he had the 3rd Highest Bounty in the crew.

Karin sees that Suigetsu was getting too smug and punches him in the stomach and faces the Captain "Well... My 50,090,000 Berry Bounty isn't that bad either. But still it's far lower than this one" as she points at Ain.

Erina: "Yep. My bounty is the lowest at 45,000,000. It's only half of this one" Ain had a small blush as everyone praised her. "Oh yeah, Captain do you know why my bounty says Only Alive" Erina adds as an after thought.

DIO had a grim look "I have a few. As you know your father is the King of the Moa Kingdom. He might want you to return, either he felt bad, or the more likely reason he wants to marry you off to someone for either money or a political alliance."

Erina was saddened by what his father really wanted and looked down.

DIO (channels the inner protagonist): "Erina... I know you are sad because your father, your family treats you like this. But let me tell you something.

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and those who make you happy.

Remember when you joined us I didn't welcome you to a pirate crew but to a family. Which you will always be part of" They all nod at that.

Erina: "Thank You... Everyone." She smiles at them.

After they eat for a bit more and talked and drunk Ain asked an important question.

Ain: "What are we going to do in this island, Captain? Besides buying a new ship that is."

DIO smiles "Well...