Berserk part 3

After draining almost half of my entire energy, the weapon's heart finally sated it's a hunger for my mana, taking the solid shape similar to my current weapon of choice, utopy. While the shape was roughly the same, I didn't need to have my mind clear to see how superior it was to anything I have crafted before!

If one were to classify it by the ease of transmitting my mana through it, it should be called a wand instead of a sword! While it was normal considering how the entire body of this weapon consisted of my solidified energy, I couldn't wrap my head around how did this sword ever come to be!

I guess the world is still a mystery to me. Not knowing what this mana or energy even is, I couldn't claim to understand how certain processes were taking place. The notification about entropic poisoning was on a whole new level of reminding me how little did I know about the base structures and inner workings of this world!