Back in the small world

Standing at the head of the long formation of canoes, I watched the small waves rocking the sides of the front row of the boats, and slowly lifting it along with the other boats in the next row. Even though my current viewpoint didn't let me see this accurately, I could imagine the entire formation bulging up and down, along with the passing of the small waves.

With five hundred boats strapped haphazardly together, there was no way to keep everything stable. Even though all of the canoes were connected with at least three others except for the four ones at the corner of the formation, I still had to jump around the entire group whenever someone failed to hold the stick properly and caused the whole group to start spilling. 

Despite how madly this whole contraption looked like, with no strong current to test its vulnerability nor storm incoming to shower us in its wrath, the trip was just as nerve-wracking for me, as smooth for everyone else.