

Before I even managed to move half of the distance that separated me from the group of houses I made before leaving this dimension a few days ago, Helia somehow realised that I came here looking for her, and appeared right beside me. 

Jumping right from her run in my arms, she almost managed to tackle me to the ground, with only my insane reaction time allowing me to gain a better footing as her body hit against mine.

"How did it go? Did you manage to bring more of our people?"

After a moment of pressing her entire body against me and refusing to actually step on the ground, this young lass finally detached herself from me and asked. Wide smile decorating her face betrayed how happy she was just to see me, with the success or failure of my mission being only a potential icing on the cake.

"Yeah, but I told them to wait outside of the barrier. I need you to find someone called Matosn. Does this name ring the bell?"