
Our story starts in a small city with two rival family's the Baraiks and the Savars. In the Savar main house a woman was in labor as she screamed a wolf next to her kept howling as if it felt her pain.

"One more push my lady its almost out" said an old woman

"Oh shut up Haga, AAAAHHHHHH"


"Its a boy my lady, but were is his soul?" asked Haga shocked

"What do you mean were is his soul he wouldn't be alive if he didn't have one. Give me my son Haga and leave me for now"

"Yes my lady. What should I tell the family?"

"Nothing for now I will talk with the heads once I recover"

As Haga left she turned one last time to look at the strange child that was born without a soul. The soul was partner to every human if it died so did its partner so the soul and the human were never very far apart and would appear once a child was born. Hagas soul was a mouse that was ridding her shoulder her lady Quilla head of the Savar clan was a Moonwolf a rare combat class soul.

"One could not be alive without the other so how could that child live without a soul" thought Haga as she turned and left thinking this would be good information for the Baraiks to have they could use it to undermine the entire Savar family.

After the door closed Quilla looked down at the baby in her arms sleeping after its ordeal and wondered were his soul was. She new he had to have one he was alive so she picked him up and started searching him and looking around the room. Quilla found nothing until her baby yawned and opened his hand in it she saw what looked like a tattoo of a sword.

"Could it be that the tattoo is your soul my son?" said Quilla as she went to touch his hand an the tatoo all the sudden disappeared and she felt something cold against her neck.

"Why have you awakened me?" asked a mysterious voice

"I didn't mean to I was checking my son for his soul partner when I saw a sword symbol on his hand went to examine it further you showed up" she said quietly as she was trying not to shake

"Oh so that would make me this small things soul partner then. That explains the feelings I have to protect him then. If so I apologize or my rudeness it is in my nature to strike first" the sword removed itself from her neck and fell to the bed at her side waiting for her reply.

As Quilla started rubbing her neck to make sure she wasn't bleeding she thought to her self How does a sword become a soul I've never herd of a weapon soul before.

"What is my masters name?" came a question that shocked Quilla she hadn't named her boy yet.

"Thank you for the reminder his name will be Vallis Savar and what is your name"

"I get a name to? Shouldn't it com from Vallis?"

"No, all souls have there own names take Nona over their she told me her name first thing when I woke up. It was the first word I ever heard" said Quilla as Nona came over to the bed and laid her head on it.

"But I have no name that I can think of does that mean I'm a broken soul. I can feel the connection to the boy but that's it no name nothing else"

"Then name yourself you are a unique existence perhaps the first ever weapon soul partner in existence naming yourself would be the right thing to do and I can't just call you sword"

"Your right, my name will be Soul"

"Why such a common name?"

"Because I was born from his soul but also born to protect it for him."

"Why would he need you to protect his soul he is just a child?" Quilla asked worriedly as she looked down a Vallis in her arms

"I do not know this is just what I feel myself. What my purpose beyond that I don't know. I am tiered now so I will be going to rest. We will not talk again for a while but I can still communicate with Vallis if you need something from me just ask him."

Soul disappeared after that turning back into the tattoo on Vallis palm before Quilla could say anything. This left Quilla stunned because Vallis was just born he couldn't talk yet how was she supposed to talk to Soul if Vallis couldn't talk for him. Before she could think anymore on the subject she heard a loud knock on the door.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion my lady but they just wouldn't stop they had to see the young master" explained Haga

"Young master don't be ridiculous that abomination could never be the young master he doesn't have a soul partner he should be killed" said an old balding man wearing luxury clothes.

Before anyone else could move Nona jumped at the old man pinning him to the floor by the throat while a low growl came from her chest.

"It would be best if you didn't move or even talk for the next few minutes elder Sheng. When you threaten a wolfs cub she usually just kills the threat and walks away but Nona is giving you a chance to live the only chance you will get."

Elder Sheng just looked at the wolf then at his Clan head all the while he was instructing his soul partner a little green snake to move out of his sleeve to go for a bite at the wolf. If he could kill the wolf then there would be no more clan head and he could vie for the position getting the power he thought his family deserved, but before the snake could move out of his sleeve a small dagger sunk into the floor piercing it an inch deep next to the snake pinning it to the floor.

"If that snake moves one more inch you elder will be dead I promise" said Quilla still laying in her bead

The three remaining people in the room were covered in a cold sweat Quilla was the strongest cultivator in the whole Southern Providence(though not many people new this). The pressure she was releasing was devastating to everyone but Vallis who she was shielding from it and Nona who was a part of her and thus unaffected. After giving the room a look around her eyes sedled on Haga who started sweating nervously.

"Haga I thought I told you to wait until I recovered to say anything?"

"You did my lady and I would have but the elders were so persistent that I had to tell them something and it all just came out at once." stammered Haga in a shaky low voice

Quilla just waved her hand and Hagas head rolled to the floor and her body fell with a thump.

"Finally I thought she would never screw up for the proof I needed to find out she was a spy."

"A spy my lady. Could she be the reasons the Baraiks have beaten us in so many business deals lately?" asked a middle aged elder in a green robe

"Just one of the reasons Elder Sven I believe there is at least one if not two more spies in the house"

"My lady should we not let Elder Sheng up and let him join in this discussion he is the elder in charge of finance?" asked the last person in the room a tall lanky elder wearing a plain blue robe.

"NO, he said he wanted to kill my son if I didn't need answers from him he would already be dead. Elder Steve I want you to seal his soul and place him in confinement under heavy guard until I am strong enough to question him. Now all of you leave I am tired and my son is trying to sleep."

"Yes my lady" they said in unison as elder Steve bent over placing a stone on elder Shengs chest that partially melted into it sealing his soul.

As they were leaving Quilla just smiled down at Vallis in her arms happy she still had a little piece of the only man she had ever loved even if he was already giving her trouble right after he was born.