
Far away in the Northern Providence A girl was born but unlike Vallis this child was born to a young slave girl that had been raped repeatedly. Not having any help and being malnourished the girl died right after the delivery the only thing that was heard before she passed was "I'm sorry my baby" then a small sigh left her as she passed. As all the other slaves in the area heard this they could only lower their heads and shed a few tears for the mother and child. Only one other woman was trying to get to the child to care for her but before she could get to her a door slammed open.

"What is all this racket about?"

"Dinae had her child and passed away Master Carle. I was trying to get her to care for her."

"So that toy finally croaked huh, she was getting boring anyway good riddance. Wait child it lived after everything she was put through let me see." Carle walked over to Dinaes cage and looked at the child feeling something was off then he notice she had no soul partner around her. "Did any of you see what her soul was and were it went?" All of the slaves mad the same reply "No Master" Still looking through the cage seeing only Dinae her soul a little sapling oak and the child. "So Dinae gave birth to a freak without a soul should have figured something would be wrong after all we put her through during her pregnancy. Might ass well kill it its of no use to me without a soul."

"No please Master its the last piece of Dinae left let me care for her, please"

"You Ling do you think I take orders from you?"

"No Master but I just lost my child and can still feed her. When she grows she can be sold to a collector she will be a novelty no one has ever survived without a soul before she is one of a kind."

"Now that I think about it you are right but that doe not mean you will not be punshed for speaking out Ling. Guards take Ling to be lashed ten times you may do what you want with her afterwards just keep her alive. After that is done put her in Dinaes cell after you remove the corpse."

"Yes sir" said the guards as they went to Lings cell with big grins on their faces.

"Thank you Master" Ling said with a small smile on her face looking toward the child in the cell "Be back shortly little one"

Two hours later the guards drug ling back to the holding room tossing her into the cell after removing Dinaes body from it. Being to tired to move much Ling scooted of to the child removing the top of her rags she used as clothes and fed her what she could before she passed out holding her.

The next morning Ling woke to the sounds of the girl crying startling her awake "shhh, shhh its ok I'm here its going to be all right" she crooned trying to calm the baby once more removing her rags from her breast to feed the infant. After the child was fed she calmed down once more giving Ling a chance to think and care for the wounds on her back from the lashing. Before she could do much she heard the man next to her ask a question.

"Why are you caring for that thing Ling it won't replace the child you lost?"

"I know that Wu and she is not a thing or it her name is Diana and she is nothing but an innocent child that deserves a chance at life."

"How could you call it as a person having no soul, and what life could anyone have being born a slave?"

"You never know what the future will bring she could be bought by a kind master that will look after and care for her."

"Doubtful have you ever heard of that happening to anyone we have known here?"

"No, but that doesn't mean it can't happen for her."

While the two were arguing Diana had seen something that caught her attention. It was her mothers soul partner the little oak sapling. Reaching for it from were she was touching it it was absorbed into her hand were a tattoo of a staff was located. "Hello little one I am Soloak the soul oak staff and your soul partner this will be the only time I talk to you for a while and I don't know if yo will remember this but don't fret to much over your circumstances you will be free when you find your other half this I promise you. Sleep well and treasure the last and only gift you mother was able to give you." said a feminine voice.

While the two adults were still argueing a small lizard with wings flew out of Lings hair and landed on the bars looking down at Diana as if watching over her. This was Lings soul partner a common flying lizard with a twist. Usually flying lizards had webbing between their legs to glide with this one had wings on its back making it look more dragon like. As the lizard watched Diana she watched it when something happened the lizard suddenly let out a little chirp trying to roar. This stopped the two adults who turned to look at was going on.

"Whats wrong Su did something happen to Diana" Ling asked mentally

"Look carefully don't you see it this child's soul has almost reach the peak of soul stability already"

"That's impossible she was just born"

"No Ling its not she is the proof. You must care for her well she will save you from this place. Keep her secret otherwise she will be in danger."

"I will but ho do you know all of this Su your scaring me a little"

"I don't know maybe its just a feeling but I know this to be the truth as well"

"Is something wrong with that thing Ling"

"No Wu, Su just didn't want to listen to our arguing anymore, and for the last time she isn't a thing her name is Diana. If you won't call her that don't talk about her."

All of the sudden the heard a shout from the hallway "Shut up all you slaves we will be moving out to the next town in an hour so you better be ready to walk. Ling you get to ride we can't have our precious cargo dropping dead on us now can we. HAHAHAHA" said the guard as he walked away