Three Years Old and Still No Soul

One warm morning a little boy of about three years old walked into an office were a woman was sitting at a desk reading some papers. The boy was about 3 ft tall with bright blue ayes and dark black hair. If you looked at the woman and boy you wouldn't be able to tell that this was mother and son for the woman had light brown hair and green eyes.

"Mama why do all the other kids and adults ignore me and call me trash? Did I do something wrong?" asked Vallis almost in tears while looking at his mother. Quilla startled by the question looks up at Vallis shocked by the boys question. "No baby, why would you ask something like that?" replying to him while inside she was furious that her child was treated this way. Thinking a little more she wondered why she hadn't noticed people mistreating her boy before.

"Every time I try to play with the other kids in the family they call me trash or freak and run away or the their parents come and take them away while giving me bad looks." he replied while looking up at his mother. All of the sudden Quilla jumps out of her chair and picks up Vallis setting on a small couch against the wall holding him in her lap.

"Don't worry little one they just think you don't have a soul partner like every one else but they will learn what a big mistake they've made when your older." soothed Quilla as Nona came over and laid her head in his lap. "So I have a partner like all the other kids do?" "Yes little one a very rare and if my guess isn't wrong a powerful one at that." "Then were is it so I can show everyone that I'm not a freak or trash? I just want to play with everyone." cried Vallis "He is sleeping in your hand and will show himself when you are ready." "When will I be ready mama?" "I don't no little one, but I know you shouldn't let anyone see him until you are strong enough to defend yourself. When your soul stabilizes I will start training you so until then how about we go to town and get you something for your birthday tomorrow?" knowing what would happen she watched as Vallis popped his head up and smiled nodding enthusiastically "Yes, Yes ill go get ready"

As she watched Vallis run out the door to his room Quilla began to think about what had happened three years ago when he was born. That night she killed a spy in her house and captured an elder that was also spying for the Baraiks wanting the force her to give up her role as the family leader. After capturing him she had him questioned until she learned all he had known. He was feeding all their business decisions and movements to the Baraiks so they could get ahead and low bid them on all the projects they were working on. The Savars were mainly in construction and carpentry being that the majority of the family had souls leaning towards the earth and nature elements. Even her Nona was considered a nature beast being the guardian of the night forest, but the elder Shengs soul was a poison viper that went against the earth and nature elements and corrupted them as he did with the family. The last thing she learned from him was that his mother was a Baraik that disguised herself as a normal villager to seduce his father to get an inside track on the family. When she found out that family business was only run by blood relations she had a child with the elder and slowly corrupted him as he grew to be a spy.

Shaking her head to get rid of the depressing thoughts she walked out her office into a beautiful courtyard taking a breathe of fresh air. As she was walking towards the front gate she passed many servants and guards that stopped and bowed to her till she got to the area that was next to the council chamber.

"We need to act soon you know it will be harder later the more she gets attached."

"Do you want to risk her wrath if anything happens to that boy he is the last piece of him that is left the only thing keeping her from the edge." after hearing that Quilla stopped and listened using Nonas senses that were sharper than hers.

"I know but at this rate our family is finished. He has no soul partner and should have died at birth but clung to life. Do you want some freak of nature to be the family head in the future, look what she did to elder Sheng he is already affecting her judgment."

"Elder Sheng was a Baraik spy and you know it what she did to him has nothing to do with this and you know it. He almost ruined the family business and was stealing funds meant for the expansion of the family." as the two argued another voice was heard this time female

"Without a soul partner he can't become the family head in the first place and second if it was me I would have done worse to Sheng. I know he was your friend elder Carle but what he did was unforgivable and lastly if you want her to destroy the entire family you could try and hurt Vallis but I wouldn't recommend it with her power she could wipe away our small city in a few seconds." all the voices stopped after her comment for a second when one of the male voices was about to speak up once more they heard a call outside.

"Come on mama if we don't leave now all the good stuff will be gone before we get there."

Noticing something was wrong they all the jumped up opening the door to see Quilla starring at them. Her stare like looking into hell was pointed at the two men elder Carle and elder Duvel the one who had taken over finance from elder Sheng. Not knowing what to do and being to afraid to say anything they just stood there waiting for the punishment that was to come, but before anything could happen Vallis ran up to his mother grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the front gate. Noticing her look softening the two elders sighed in relief. Before she got to far she turned and looked at the woman standing next to the two elders. "Elder Carle is to be transferred to the outer villages for three months to over see their construction after the last storm. If I see him again before then I will rip his heart out am I clear elder Shi." After receiving the voice transmission elder Shi just slowly nodded turned and walked away.

Noticing his mothers scary face thinking that one of the three elders hurt his mother Vallis turned and looked at them thinking about threatening them a sword appeared in his mind. Yes a sword he thought would do nicely to teach them a lesson. As he was thinking this Quilla noticed a strange energy coming of of Vallis turning to look at him she noticed that his hair was waiving even though there was no wind. Suddenly the was three loud thumps as all the elders fell to the floor on all fours sweating badly as if they were holding the sky upon their backs. Not knowing what was going on she quickly hugged Vallis showing him a big smile telling him it was all right.

After a few seconds Vallis calmed down turning to his mother with a small nod seeing that she was alright started smiling once more. "Then lets go mama" "Alright lead the way little one" as the were walking away Quilla once more sent a voice transmission to elder Shi "What happened to you what did you feel?" "I don't know my lady but it felt like the sky had fallen forcing me to bow to it then held a blade to my throat as if to relieve me of my head." "Alright that will be all tell the other two not to speak of this to anyone cancel my last order for elder Carles transfer and send him to me on my return. Oh and lastly Shi thank you for defending my son you were right if anything were to happen to him I would have no more meaning left in my life." "Your welcome my lady now go have fun with little Vallis everything will be ready for you on your return."

After finishing he talk with elder Shi, Quilla focusing on Vallis was wondering what it was he had done. Thinking for a few minutes as they walked toward the gates she decided it could wait till later. Picking him up and setting him down on Nona she told him "Today is all yours little one we will do all you want." "Yay, do I get lots of presents to?" he asked doing a big puppy or wolf eye look at his mother. "Hmmmm, I think two gifts will be enough you little mooch." she said as she looked at him seeing his down cast eyes started to laugh "Why the long face is two to many what about one then?" shocked out of his pout Vallis quickly yells back "Oh no two is fine." "Then lets hurry"

As Quilla and Vallis were heading to the market a slave caravan was just arriving in their small city.