The Market and Weapon Pavilion

As they were approaching the market they heard a large commotion coming from the town center. Not wanting to get pulled into it Quilla decided to head to the small stalls first to show Vallis around. The first stall they stopped at was a food stall were they got skewers for breakfast. Vallis enjoying the novelty of walking while eating was enjoying himself while Quilla just watched him and smiled. The next stall they stopped by was a weapon and armor stall that only had low quality wares, after looking for a moment they moved on to the next. They did this for the next hour waiting for the commotion to end to get to the main market place.

When things finally calmed down they headed in but now Vallis was ridding on Quillas shoulder so he could see better and decide were he wanted to go to next. Noticing the weapon pavilion he immediately decided that was were he wanted to go. As they were headed in that direction Quilla noticed what all the racket was about it was a slave caravan the thing she hated most about this world. Not wanting to ruin Vallis's first outing she ignored it and continued on to the weapon pavilion.

As they walked in the door they were greeted by a rough looking man blocking their way. After asking him to move he turned and looked at Quilla with a sneer on his face.

"Why should I move for a whore like you and your little brat." after looking her over his sneer turned into a lustful stare changing his reply "On second thoughts loose the kid and we can go have some fun, what do you think?" Wile this was being said all the locals in the pavilion at that time cringed and moved back knowing Quillas temper.

"And who might you be stranger that you would have the nerve to talk to me like this?"

"Nerve, I'll show you nerve bitch you wont have that attitude when I'm done with you" as he reached out to grab her he was met with a low growl and a sharp pain. Looking down he noticed his hand was gone and bleeding. In shock he called his soul to defend him it was a sand scorpion the size of a plate but as it jumped off his shoulder it grew to the size of a normal dog showing that he was a cultivator. Getting ready to order the attack his soul sent him a message warning him against it. "Master you should let this one go we are not their match" "Not their match what do you mean its just a bitch and her wolf what could she do to you?" "Have you not looked at that wolf it is a silver moon wolf a rare variant, and the woman's cultivation is greater than yours as well I can't tell what level she is at." After hearing this he starts to sweat badly cursing himself for his quick temper and mouth as he calls his soul back. "My apologies mam ill get right out of your way" as he moves back cradling his wounded arm. "What makes you think ill let you off now that you have realized your mistake?"

"Please it was just a misunderstanding"

"A misunderstanding you say. Alright all will be forgiven you lost an arm and I got to vent some of my frustration now go before I change my mind."

After watching the man leave all of the on lookers were in shock normally when someone insults Quilla the results are more disastrous. Not known for being the most forgiving under normal circumstances they wondered why she would let that man go until they saw young Vallis looking up at her with sparkling eyes.

"That was awesome mama you to Nona you took his arm right off I didn't even see it till it was gone." looking at this mother and child everyone here was shocked one didn't care if she killed someone in broad daylight the other thought it was awesome.

"Little one you really shouldn't take after mother."

"Why not?" asked Vallis as he tipped his head sideways wondering what was so bad about his mother that he shouldn't be like her.

Being confused for second she finally came up with an answer "If your like mama you'll never get a nice girl." as she finished talking she noticed all the stares coming her way. Looking around she noticed all the shocked faces around her wondering why they were so shocked she asked "What?" when she hears a laugh behind her.

"HAHA really Quilla that's what you are worried about isn't he a bit to young to be thinking about girls already" Hearing that laugh everyone turned to look at a tall shaggy looking man with light blond hair and blue eyes and if it wasn't for his unkempt appearance he would be quite handsome. Noticing who it was all the locals got a bad feeling.

"Pavilion master what are you doing stalking around out here instead of in your office were you should be" says a young girl with brown shoulder length hair and big baby doll like eyes behind the counter.

"Oh busted, you caught me Lara I felt that something interesting was going to happen so I snuck out."

"Interesting, you haven't done the paperwork in that office for a month. You promised to get some of it done today." now getting a cold sweat at all the stares from the guest the pavilion master started to slowly back out the door. "Now Lara don't cry you remember what happened the last lime you cried?" "Master Alan you idiot I spent all day yesterday to organize all the papers to make it easier for you and this is the thanks I, sniffle" before she could finish Quilla gently hit her on the back of the neck to knock her out setting her in her chair. "Now Alan get your ass back to work before I kick it for making this cute girl cry again." sighing in relief all the patrons new Lara had a river soul when she was emotional and cried floods happened. Luckily the only person that could make her cry was the pavilion master and he new better than to do that she was the idol of the pavilion for her absolutely adorable looks making people want to protect her at all times. "OK people shows over lets get back to business." shouted Alan as he picked up Lara heading for his office. "Now that that is over with what did you want to look at here Little one." Asked Quilla wile walking back to Vallis "Swords" he shouted. Shocked by his reply at first then she remembered his soul. Going to the counter Quilla asked the other receptionist if they could be shown to the sword section. While being led to the sword section Vallis was eyeing everything until they came across a staff. Stopping to look wondering why he was drawn to the staff tears started to fall as he started to see images of a little girl in a cage. She was dirty but had big blue eyes with long black hair that showed she would be a beauty when she was older, but now she was so skinny that you could see her bones. After wiping his tears away he chased after his mama wondering why he saw that girl.

"Here we are the swords section. We have from common grade to precious stored here. If you need anything else just call me otherwise i'll leave you to look around." said the receptionist as she walked away.

"Well Vallis what kind of sword are you looking for?" "I don't know yet mama I just wanted to see them is all." "OK, look around but stay were I can see you."

Looking around Vallis saw many different swords from light swords to big two handed swords none catching his interest until he saw an old rusty sword in a corner basket. Wondering why it was there he went over to look at it not noticing any thing different went to grab the hilt of the sword when his palm started to tingle and the sword was absorbed into his hand.

While Vallis was looking over every sword in the area Quilla was watching him from the side wondering what he was looking for. Then she saw him reach for an old rusted sword in a corner discount basket. Why would he go for that one out of all the better looking swords in the building she thought until she watched it get pulled into his hand. Startled she ran towards him watching as he started to fall over. When she caught him she was shocked to discover that his soul had stabilized already that shouldn't happen for another four to five years at the earliest. Looking around checking to see if anyone had seen what happened not noticing anyone paying attention she sighed in relief. After picking Vallis up she started walking to the stairs leading to Alans office on the second floor.

Getting to Alans office door preparing to knock Quilla hesitated for a moment wondering if she was doing the right thing. She was planing on talking to Alan about Vallis and his soul also about what happened with the sword in the shop down stairs. Still standing there with her hand raised to knock wondering if this was the right thing to do the door suddenly opened with Lara about to exit.

"I'll be right back with some tea. No slacking Alan or" as she turned to leave while still talking she finally noticed Quilla standing there with a dumb look on her face with a hand still raised.

"Madam Quilla what are you doing here I thought you were shopping with young master Vallis?"

"I'm sorry Lara but I have some urgent business to talk with Alan about I Know this will interrupt his paper work but it can't be helped."

"Its not a problem Madam I will just have to make him come in and catch up on his day off tomorrow. If you will give me a moment I will get some tea please make yourself comfortable" after saying that she left the room heading to the little kitchen next to it.

As Quilla entered the room and sat on the little sofa next to a little table and two chairs. Laying Vallis down next to her she turns to look at Alan seeing a depressed and defeated look on Alans face she asked.

"Is something wrong Alan?"

"Is something wrong you dare to ask that with this little interruption of yours I will now have to come in and do paper work all day tomorrow. Now tell me again is there something wrong here."

"Temper, Temper Alan if you wouldn't run off to mess around every chance you get leaving poor Lara to do your work and hers at the same time you wouldn't be in these dire straights now would you. Besides you thought I wouldn't have noticed that you are really not upset but are actually happy about this outcome hmmm." saying that with a smirk on her face she turn to look at him wile patting Vallis gently on the back.

Turning a deep crimson from embarrassment getting ready to refute her claims he noticed the person they were talking about standing in the doorway with a shocked expression on her face. Not wanting to get rejected or to put her in a tough position he started to deny Quilla's comment but before he could get the words out Lara stopped him.

"Save your words for later I believe Madam Quillas business is important to come to you on her sons birthday outing." after saying her peace she walked to the little table next to Quilla putting the tea tray on it as she was pouring the tea she whispered "Thank you" to her while winking. Getting ready to leave Lara turned to walk way but was stopped by a soft hand.

"Lara please just close the door and activate the privacy ward then sit and join us." being shocked by the request for two reasons one that she was asked to stay and two that her business required the privacy ward. A ward could do many things depending on the materials used, strength of the one setting it and the its purpose. After a moments hesitation she looked to Alan who's expression turned serious just nodded his head to let her know it was OK to do as asked. Closing the door and activating the ward Lara sat in one of the chairs waiting for Quilla to begin.

After taking a deep breath she shocked them one more time by asking off them one more thing to take a soul oath to not reveal what was said hear today until she allowed it. Getting upset Alan started yelling at Quilla.

"Are you mad Quilla that is the most severe oath a person can take it not only binds the takers but if you break it you not only die but your soul is destroyed with no chance to reincarnate. Me taking it is one thing but you want to drag poor Lara into this as well that is unacceptable." after he stopped talking Lara took the initiative to ask an important question.

"Does this involve Vallis?" shocked by the question Alan turns to stare at the boy then turns to look at Quilla and becomes even more shocked for he saw on her face a look of worry and fear that he has never before seen.

"Yes Lara it is about my little Vallis that is the only reason I ask this of you two. Alan I have known you since childhood and watched as he grew to the man he is taking over the weapon pavilion from his father turning it into the best shop in the city. You Lara when your family came to this city you had nothing but i saw your potential and you lived up to it and now you are a bright young woman who has a soul that shines as bright as a star. So please help me."

Before either could answer Vallis started shaking when his hand was flung into the air a projection of an old rusted sword and a normal looking sword that has never seen battle but look deadly non the less appeared in the air. As the dumb struck faces of everyone watched the the rusted sword start shedding its rust turning brighter and brighter until all the rust was gone showing a five foot crimson tinted blade and a foot long black and red handle with a small black gem at its pommel. Shocked once more by this sight because that was a knight class weapon something very few people have in Savaris City. While still watching the two swords the crimson sword looked to almost bow to the plain looking sword then slowly started to turn into dust particles to be absorbed by the other. This process took around fifteen minutes to complete evolving the plain sword to take on the features of the sword it absorbed. With the changes finally done Vallis's arm dropped still sleeping like nothing happened.

Quilla looked at both Lara and Alan wondering what they were thinking when all three of their souls came out in the room. Lara's soul the river Alan's soul was a golden carp everyone thought was useless but wasn't and Nona the moon wolf.

"Accept her proposal Alan" said the carp

"Yes Lara you to" told the river

"Why Drak you don't usually interrupt or come out for that matter" asked Alan to the Carp his soul partner

"I'M sorry we won't tell you till you take the oath" this time it was Lara's river spirit that answered

"Jewl is this really what you want it is dangerous if the oath is broken we both will cease to exist?"

"Yes Lara" "OK then Alan Drak what about you two"

"We are in as well"

"Thank you both I will never forget this is you ever need my help just ask"

After their agreement they took one last look at each other before taking their oath"I hereby vow that I will not speak of anything said about Vallis Savar and his soul without the permission of Quilla Savar or my soul shall be shattered never to reincarnate" with the oath finished a light glow covered the signaling that it was a success. Now that the oath has been made Quilla didn't wait to start her explanation.

"You may have guessed but my sons soul is a Sword the first weapon soul ever seen. I have no idea what this means but i think our souls do so I will let them explain that after I'm done. The reason I rushed to your office is when Vallis was looking through the swords in your shop he found the old rusted sword in a barrel of clearance items when he held it it was absorbed into the tattoo on his hand and his soul instantly stabilized which should not have happened for another two to three years at least causing him to pass out from the sudden shock. As you both know the initial soul stability can't be rushed it has to happen naturally or it can leave hidden wounds on the soul but when I checked his it was fine no wounds nothing at all. Now you know all I do. As for the reason I came to you two is that i want Alan to help with his physical and sword training and Lara to be his tutor on basic world knowledge and business. So what do you think?" Before either could answer Nona spoke up first.

"Before that Quilla let me explain a few things about young Vallis and his soul that you need to know."

"Alright Nona what is it that you have been hiding from me since he was born"

"Thank you for being patient with me Quilla it has been hard not to tell you but I had to wait. I wasn't going to tell you until he was ready to start cultivating but with this discovery of his souls ability you should know now"