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The World Of Artro

Trillions of years ago there was a large planet that was nothing but a barren waste land but this planet was different from all the others of its kind around it, it had a soul. As time went by the soul of the planet got lonely wondering why it was just a barren waist land. After pondering for a while it noticed that it could affect its surface and atmosphere. Liking the feeling it had from the control over its body and surroundings it made it rain providing a whole new sensation. After getting lost in this new feeling for a long time it woke to discover that it had flooded its entire surface. Not knowing what to do next it discovered something else that was there were small creatures in the swimming in the water. Thinking to itself it started paying more attention to its water covered surface. After observing for a time it discovered that the small creatures were made from it the energy it gave off. Pleased with this new discovery it decided to try and make more things to live on it filling the waters with small to large creatures. After filling the waters it raised its lands into 4 large continents. Creating these continents caused the planets conscience to fall into a slumber until it woke a long time later to find that mountains, rivers, plants and other wildlife have sprung up over its surface. Happy at this new outcome it decided to make itself a body to wonder and interact with its creation. Spending what it now called years to make this body of a short and slim women with long brown hair and eyes slim waist and moderate breast she was happy.

Spending thousands of her years wondering her surface she became lonely. Yes she had all the plants and animals here but it was not the interaction she wanted. Thinking about it she wanted to try and make something that looked and walked like she did. Taking her image and using her powerful energy and materials from her main body she crafted man and women when she was done she called them humans and left them to grow not because she wanted to but because their creation tired her and she needed to rest.

Hundreds of years later she woke to find that her humans and spread across the continent in small numbers living off plants and animals. This did not anger her for she new that one needed sustenance to survive by watching the other animals. They had created small shelters and lived in family groups making her very proud. Showing herself to one such group seeing this small beautiful girl they took her in and made her part of their family. She lived like this for years giving them language to communicate and showed them many things about her lands they didn't know. For all of this they named her Artoro witch meant land or mother to them.

This peace did not last a Artoro had hoped for. One day a rift opened on the space around her main body raining a strange energy on her causing great pain. This energy caused many of her plants and animals to change into vicious monsters that destroyed all in their path. Seeing her beloved humans slaughtered Artoro did the only thing she could killing one of the beast ripping the energy that was close to its own from it she took a pair of dyeing children fusing this energy with theirs to save them. Falling into a deep sleep once more. When these children woke they discovered that they had a beast next to them telling them that they would be fine that the two were one. This was the first pair of progenitors later known as the beast couple went on to learn that they could absorb the energy that they could now sense around them it make themselves stronger and started hunting the beast destroying their world. With the more beast they hunted and killed the more children would be born with different partners. The planet absorbed their energy changing it and sending it back out to her people creating the first age of soul cultivators.

Later when Artoro woke again to find her people still alive and changed by what she did she was worried at first but after watching for a while she learned that they now call that energy of her soul essence and they used it to fight back and reclaim their place on her surface.

"That was how soul cultivators first came about. Later Artoro did the same many times throughout history giving the people many different kinds of souls and always with a boy and girl pair when she and her people were in danger making them the a progenitor to defend her and her people." Nona finaly stopped with her story to let it sink in knowing that they all had questions for her. After a few minutes Quilla finally asked her first question.

"How do you know all this Nona and why wait till now to tell me?"

"I was asked not to tell you until young Vallis started to cultivate. Artoro wanted him to have as normal a childhood as he could not wanting to burden him to soon." shocked by what she said Alan shot out of his chair yelling.

"Artoro you mean the planet told you this?"

"Yes Alan that is also why your partners told you to take the oath. They may not have known the whole story but they could feel her wishes." Lana seeing what was going on started to understand why this was so important.

"We are going to face another attack of some sort again aren't we?"

"Yes Lana this is why Artoro creates progenitors every time she needs help to give us someone to help and to strengthen us as a whole. This time is different though and will also be the last time she can interfere with us." after taking a small break to clear her head Nona continued "She has used to much of her strength making a new progenitor this time and the damage she has taken over the last attacks has weakened her to much over the years. She is hopping that Vallis and his other half will overcome this and stop these attacks once and for all or she wont be able to hold to the next one. This is all I know now what are we to do?"

"I need a few more questions answered Nona if you don't mind. First why are progenitors so special second how do we find this other half of Vallis and third when?" asked Quilla

"Answering your first question progenitors are so special because they are the strongest of their kind being the first and always come in twos to compliment each other though that was not her intent with the first pair. Second you don't have to look they will find each other and lastly I have no idea it could happen at any time years later or could already be going on." Nona shook her head at that last part as she disappeared into Quilla.

"So what are you two going to do?" Quilla said looking at Lara and Alan. Not being one to beat around the bush Alan asked "When do you want to start his training?"

"I don't want him to start any heavy training till he is at least 7 to keep him from hurting his future but I think it would be good to get him going on light exercises and the basics of the sword. Hopefully this will also keep people from asking about his soul for a while. What about you Lara?"

"I will start working with him after his other half is found don't want them to be separated first thing so let him be a child a little longer. When he or she is found let me know and I will work out a schedule with Alan so we don't have conflicting times."

"Sounds good thank you both for this and again if you ever need my help just let me know. Now how long do you plan to act as if your still sleeping little one hmm?" Finding out he was busted Vallis sat up in his mothers lap rubbing the back of his head with a small laugh. "Sorry mama but I didn't want to interrupt your talk it sounded important even though I didn't understand most of it." "Its alright I will explain it all to you when you get older now say your goodbyes to your teachers and let get back to your big day you still want to look around right?" Getting exited again he hurry's over to Lana then Alan telling them thank you and good bye running out the door telling his mother to hurry up. Quilla just shook her head smiling and nods to Alan and Lana one last time before she follows.