Unpollinated Flower

The weekend arrived.

After five days of working from dusk till dawn and tiring herself till she burned down, Jing Lihua finally got to get a good night's sleep.

She had finally stabilized her position in her company.

With nothing nagging her at the back of her mind, she slept soundly.

When she woke up, it was already evening.

Ha...? How long had she slept?

She walked out of her room in a huge teeshirt and pajamas while rubbing her groggy eyes. After she finally opened her eyes, what she saw was standing by her door made her scream in fright.

"You....!" Jing Lihua placed a hand over her hammering heart. She had almost fainted.

"Pfft! Xiao Hua, are you serious? Since when did you grow this weak-hearted?"

"How did you get into my apartment?!"

"By sliding the key card on the door, right there. Duh!"

Jing Lihua frowned and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "When did I give you my apartment keys?"

"You never did." Zhao Liying replied cheekily.

"You never change, do you?" Jing Lihua shook her head.

After a second later, she shifted up her gaze and glanced at Zhao Liying.

'In my previous life, Su Liwei was the one who controlled everything about my life. Since he had shown dislike towards my friends, I had distanced myself from them till the point we were estranged. After I learned the true nature of Su Liwei, I had realized how wrong I was. But I couldn't go back and reconcile our relationship.'

'After signing in Dry Creek Fields, Su Liwei had grown very powerful. If I made friends, he would target them.'

'At the latest year of life, I had felt so alone. So empty, in desperate need of a friend.'

'This was one of my deepest regret in my last life.'

Looking at Zhao Liying, Jing Lihua green eyes warmed to a lighter color.

"If you stop chuckling, would you care to explain how you passed all the security?"

"God. I can't stop. The way you screamed. Why did I not come with a camera."

"Fine. Laugh to your fill. Just let me go and grab a cup of coffee." Jing Lihua rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen to brew a cup. After gulping down a few big gulps from the mug, she felt awake.

From outside she heard another familiar sound. A deep smile blossomed over her cherry lips. Holding the mug, she quickly walked back into the living room. 

Zhao Liying and Mo Liang were in the middle of an argument. 

"Jesus can be gay but your eyes can't be virgin." Zhao Liying rolled her eyes.

"Slandering my chastity, are you?"

"I'm not slandering it. I'm denying its existence."

Looking at the pair of best friends, Jing Lihua's eyes gleamed with determination. 'In this life, I will never let go of both of you two, I promise you that. Su Liwei wants me alone, helpless and pathetic; I won't give him the satisfaction.'

"Mo Liang." Jing Lihua's eyes brightened in happiness. Turning back slowly, a delightful smile appeared over his handsome face.

"Xiao Hua?"

Putting the cup down on the coffee table, Jing Lihua lurched forward and threw her arms around Mo Liang's neck.

"Oh...?" Mo Liang was surprised at the extreme welcome. But he quickly regained his playful bearing. "Oh my little Hua, you missed me so much? By the way what shampoo you used? You smell so nice. If you hug me just a little more tightly... Ow! Ow! Let go of my ear!" After twisting his ear to her heart content and bruising it to a fine red color, she finally let go of his ear.

'Of course, after four years of gap, I had forgotten what that Mo Liang really was. He can never control his slick tongue.'

Mo Liang glared at Jing Lihua accusingly while placing a hand over his ear. Making his typical pouty angel face; the same face that had once won over all the females of Asia.

"This is not how you treat your guests. You treat them with love and pastries... not..."

"Don't have pastries. But I have whips and sandals. Want them?"

"Whips?" Mo Liang grinned wickedly. "Xiao Hua, why would you have whips?"

"Wipe off that stupid grin from your face or you will know exactly for what exact reason I have those whips for." Jing Lihua felt like losing her calm.

"You are really into rough-"


"Ouch fine! Can't I even joke?" Mo Liang grumpily shut him up after being thrown a pillow over his face.

"Just five minutes in your presence and you have managed to unnerve the calm and acclaimed President Jing of the Tang enterprise." Zhao Liying laughed lightly.

"Calm and acclaimed?"

"I know right. You are a wild Beast. But after your spectacular appearance in front of cameras a few days ago, that is how media describes you."

"Media... describes me?"

"Of course! You are a hot topic on the news! I am surprised you didn't know. Why else would I feel jealous? I am a model but you are being covered more than the top ones in my career."

Jing Lihua: "..."

'What could have been the reason for that? The conspiracy censors in my brain are signaling me a warning. Is it another ploy to affect me? No, later I would ask Mei Xu to note down the names of the media corporation giving me coverage. There must be something wrong.'

"Mo Liang, Mo Liang, you have to be careful from now on. She is not the same Xiao Hua we used to bully. She is now the wife of Su Liwei and of course, the President of the Tang enterprise. She can fire fifty people at once."

"That was an exaggeration. I had only fired 15!" Jing Lihua complained about being wrongfully accused.

"What? Not 50? So I had been happy all along for no reason? Why Xiao Hua! Actually firing 50 people on the first day could have made you look more badass and cooler! Damn, you killed my mood. Now how am I supposed to brag about you to my colleagues?"

Jing Lihua: "..."

On the other hand, Mo Liang looked dissatisfied. "So what if she is the President of Tang enterprise? My father is Mo Jiang, the CEO of Mo entertainment. I can bully my flower all I want."

Mo Liang was the sole heir to a massive entertainment corporate. Mo entertainment. She remembered from her previous life, at the time his father company was not that powerful but after Mo Liang took over the office he had raised it to new heights. It had become an international corporate.

Owing to that, Mo Liang had once been introduced to the entertainment circle at a young age. He had quickly risen to popularity.

However, his heart had never been into acting.

After a dozen of hit dramas and movies and winning countless nomination awards, he had given up on his career.

His excuse was; the people in the entertainment were too shady and he disliked associating with them. And from the beginning, his heart had been somewhere else. It was art.

Designing clothing items was his passion. 

"But now, her flower belongs to Su Liwei."

"I believe a flower belongs to no one as long as it is not pollinated." Mo Liang grinned again.

Jing Lihua stared at her two shameless friends as they continued without minding her at all.

It was alright for Mo Liang but why was Zhao Liying acting this way too?

Was his shamelessness contagious?

"And how can you be sure that this flower is not pollinated by Su Liwei yet?" Zhao Liying didn't like to lose so easily. So she fell on the level of shamelessness of Mo Liang to retaliate.

"And how can you be so sure it is?"

"There is only one way to know..." Mo Liang said smugly and glanced at Jing Lihua. "Xiao Hyua, come here. Let me-" Mo Liang shut himself again once he saw the darkening expressions on Jing Lihua's face. He quickly screamed. "Joke! Joke! It was a joke!"

"Another one of those sorts of jokes and I'll call my bodyguards to kick you out." Jing Lihua's voice was deadly serious.

Mo Liang opened his mouth then closed it. Like an obedient child, he placed a finger on his smiling lips and nodded repeatedly.

Jing Lihua sighed and after ignoring Mo Liang, she asked Zhao Liying.

"When did you guys arrive? You could have told me. I would have received you."

"Just this morning"

"And you come straight to my apartment...? Your mother would be angry"

"I missed your wedding. I was dying to see how does a married Hua looks!"

"She is lying. She used you as an excuse to slip from her manager's hand." Mo Liang ruthlessly exposed her.

Zhao Liying glared at him coldly. "Forget that I'll ever introduce my colleague to you that you said was hot."

"You'll not need to introduce her to me. She'll come to me herself." Mo Liang said confidently.

"Mo Liang, you are so shameless!"

"I am not shameless. I am just handsome."

"What happened?" Those two were as dramatic as she remembered. 

However listening to their bickering, she felt a strange warmth welling up in her chest. Like something forever lost a long time ago had been regained once again.

"She is getting fat." Mo Liang dropped the bomb directly.

Zhao Liying's face was filled with shock before she burst out. "Mo Liang, you f*cker! I just got five pounds! Just five pounds! My BMI still falls in the normal weight range! Do you have to say it like that?!"

"Then why did none of my tailored dress fit you?"

Zhao Liying fell silent for a moment before shifting the blame on Mo Liang. "You took the wrong measurements. You are just finding excuses to blame your mistakes on me! How dishonorable!"

"Her father is angry. He asked her manager to strictly monitor her diet"

"More like starve me. Xiao Hua, do I look fat to you?"

Jing Lihua glanced at Zhao Liying and took in her features.

Zhao Liying wasn't an A-list model for no reason.

Her looks were... beyond heavenly.

No matter what dress she wore, somehow she was capable of making it look stunning on her.

That would bring out the largest number of orders and the highest biddings in auctions.

Author Note:

Xiao means: Little.

Jing Lihua name is composed of three words Jing Li Hua

Hua means: Flower.

Her friends like to call her Xiao Hua means: Little flower.

Flower is also used in slang for... *coughs* . So I hope you got Mo Lian's joke reference. Lol.