VIP guests

"You as pretty as before." Jing Lihua said tactfully.

"See? That's what I've been trying to tell that old man! Humph!"

"She didn't say you are not fat." Mo Liang laughed.


"Don't worry Zhao Liying. Fat people are human too. I know you are here to get an immediate reservation at your favorite Italian restaurant. Let me call my secretary to reserve a private room for us. We'll leave once I get dressed."

"Now that's my Xiao Hua." Zhao Liying wanted to jump in happiness. Finally, she could eat something other than tasteless dietary items. She kissed Jing Lihua and jumped into the couch in front of the television. "Wait... How did you guess? In the past, you couldn't tell my intentions."

"Um... Let's just say your longing face told me."

Jing Lihua took a quick shower. After dressing in a light blue silk blouse, white dress pants, and Harry Winston light sapphire diamond earrings, she was ready. She walked into the living room.

Mo Liang and Zhao Liying were fighting over the remote.

"How do I look?" Jing Lihua twirled.

Glancing at Jing Lihua, they paused.

"Xiao Hua... Didn't you... I mean this is not your style right?" Zhao Liying's gaze was confused.

"I thought since that I am now married and have to look after a corporate, I should opt for a more decent getup." Jing Lihua frowned. "Do you not like it? Maybe I should go back to-"

"No, no, no, you look perfect! I was just startled! In fact, this is the style that suits you best! Say something Mo Liang-" Zhao Liying hurriedly nudged a frozen Mo Liang. She didn't want Jing Lihua to revert to her gaudy and vulgar style.

However, Mo Liang was bewitched.

"Xiao Hua, what happened to you during the time we were away?" He asked right away looking into Jing Lihua's eyes. He caught a flash of sadness within her green eyes.

'Could it be related to Su Liwei? None of us mentioned it afraid we might hurt her but it is said he left for Vietnam the day next to his wedding. In any case... this is not normal for a married couple.' Mo Liang was playful at times but in reality, he had a deep understanding of everything.

"This is not what I asked you to tell her!" Zhao Liying got impatient.

"Silence woman. I am getting on the part. Xiao Hua, your new style really suits you. I hope you can keep it so." He said with a sincere smile.

'Of course, how could I forget? That Mo Liang is a sly fox. I have to be careful in front of him. He remembers the immature Jing Lihua. If I suddenly change, he won't welcome my change with warm arms like Zhao Liying. He would grow suspicious' Jing Lihua wondered to herself.

They hoarded Zhao Liying personal van on the way to the restaurant.

Along the way, Mo Liang and Zhao Liying continued their banter. Occasional sounds of laughs would fill the van. An outsider could tell the three people inside shared a very deep friendship.

Zhao Liying was eager to tell Jing Lihua about her recent trip to Japan cursing at the part where they visited a famous restaurant and her manager didn't let her eat anything. Mo Liang bragged about the tale of a Japanese chick he had gone out with.

When Jing Lihua stepped out of the van, along with her two out-of-heavens friends, the trio immediately caught the spotlight. 

"Look is it the Liang Prince? Is it really him?"

"Yes, it is! Look Zhao Liying is also accompanying him! They both appear everywhere together!"

"OMG! Should I ask for a selfie? Would it be too rude?"

However, when the third person appeared from behind them, all the people were immediately startled. 

Her twinkling diamond earrings could be spotted from far. The woman had fine taste in fashion. Her features were refined and attractive. 

"J-Just who the hell is she?"

"She has to be a foreign actress. If she was a national, how come I won't know such a beautiful person?"

"I have never seen such a beauty before."

"Could it be a new girlfriend Mo Liang got? How come I can't recognize her."

"Guys... Look at her eyes. They are green."

"Jing Lihua?"

"No way!"

At a side, a group of older women sneered.

"What so great about her..."

"She is the eldest daughter of Jing family. I have heard she had gotten married a few days ago. As a newlywed woman, what is she doing out here instead of looking after her husband?"

"What else? Su Liwei must have chased her out. We all know the marriage was forced by using the Tang family influence. It was actually the second daughter of Jing family whom Su Liwei admired. "

"Seems only right. I have heard Jing Tian is far better than her."

"The women who can't let go of a man unwilling to be with them disgust me to no end."

Jing Lihua and others were at a distance where they could hear the whispers from the people. Besides, the specific group of women was purposefully loud. Maybe, they wanted them to hear they snarky remarks.

"Xiao Hua, do you want me to ask the manager to throw them out?" Mo Liang nonchalantly asked.

Since Jing Lihua's reputation was not very good, being attacked by words from people was a common occurrence. 

'All the past time, I used to lose my temper and engage in useless fights. Lowering only my level in the end.'

"'When a dog barks at you, would you bark at it?' Mo Liang let's head to the VIP room I asked the manager to reserve for me." Her slight, unfaltering smile was dazzling. She gave them a sideways glance before walking ahead.

'Dogs? She just called them dogs?'

And what was the look in her eyes? Like she was some high being who wouldn't lower herself to fight with them.

She maintained her graceful exterior while easily countering them.

The group of women was humiliated. However, they knew exactly who was the bigger boss here. If they went overboard, they could be blacklisted from the restaurant. In the end, under the deriding scoff from others, they disappeared from the scene.

Jing Lihua Tang's family had close relations with the owner of this restaurant. So she was always their esteemed guest. Others could hardly manage to book for a normal table after a month of waiting.

Zhao Liying was growing impatient and walked ahead to the reception.

"Sister Lihua, is it you? I never expected to run into you at a restaurant. I assumed you would be on a vacation with Mr. Su." He ZongYing taunting voice came from Jing Lihua back.

Jing Lihua glanced back. Her light green eyes were calm as still water.

"Did Mr. Su chase you out?"He Zongying didn't lower her voice.

'He Zongying; Jing Tian cousin from her maternal side. Of course, how could I forget? My little sister doesn't like to act like a bully. She likes to stay pure and innocent. She had minions to do the dirty job' Thinking about that, Jing Lihua shook her head gently and looked away.

'He Zhongying is not worth my time.'

"I'm talking to you, Sister Jing." Being ignored, especially after provoking her, He Zhongying didn't feel right.

"My sincerest apologies. I thought you were talking to the wall"

Silence followed for a second.

Mo Liang burst out laughing.

"You..." He Zongying was shocked.

Her face went white with embarrassment.

She heard the unbridled laughs of the people gathered around.

They would not have laughed if Jing Lihua was alone. But since Mo Liang, the Liang prince deemed Jing Lihua comment worthy enough to laugh, how could they not laugh?

Glancing at Jing Liha, He Zongying felt a rush of anger. 'If not for her grandfather, what is this bitch worth? Why does she act so high and mighty? Without her grandfather, she couldn't have made contact with such important people.'

"J-Jing Lihua I was only saying this-" Before He Zhongying could formulate a full sentence, Jing Lihua broke in.

"I love your necklace. If I remember correctly it was gifted to you by Jing Tian on your birthday?" Jing Lihua's small smile made her look harmless. However, her eyes were vicious. "Brand Cartier...  I remember when it was being auctioned, I had a fight with Zhao Liying and we kept raising the bid until $11,000. I lost interest in it later on and gave it to Jing Tian when my grandfather gifted me a better one. She made a very good decision by giving it to you. It does suit you. However, I am afraid... it is very expensive for you. Do take care of it."

When Jing Lihua was done, He Zongying's already white face had paled further.

Mo Liang was also speechless. 

But Jing Lihua was not done.

"But I must say, that handbag doesn't match your necklace. It is shabby. Was it also given away by my little sister? Oh He Zhongying, don't trust anything and everything she says. She must have told you it is very expensive... But, it's a replica." Jing Lihua chatted in a casual tone as if she was talking about the weather with an old friend.

Meanwhile, Zhao Liying came back from the reception.

Looking at the group of people, she frowned for a second. 

"Jing Lihua, I asked them. They have the top floor room prepared for us"

"Alright." Jing Lihua glanced at He Zhongying. With a small smile, she said. "Take care, He ZongYing. I hope to see you again in the future."

Her words though a few held a deep meaning.

In the future, He Zongying must think twice before disrespecting Jing Lihua.

He Zongying only snapped out of it when she saw them being guided by the manager to the top floor. Glancing at that, He Zhongying felt a surge of inferiority. Besides her, she could hear countless women gossiping after the origins of her necklace and handbag were exposed ruthlessly.

In shame, she could only leave the restaurant.