Challenged Authority

"Er... I mean Chief Executive!" The subordinate was smart. He quickly corrected his way of addressing and prevented Heng Huizhong's wrath.

Heng Huizhong gave him a side glance. His tone was a bit off as he emphasized. "I have said this beforehand. This election is just a formality. I was the Cheif Executive before and I would remain the Chief Executive again. This election event... It is just a formality."

"Yes, Chief Executive. No one is more worthy of this position than you! Over this fact, no one in the company has doubts. Please pardon the slip of the tongue of this subordinate!' The subordinate quickly flattered Heng Huizhong. No matter who won the position today, he was still a small fry. "I was intending to inform you that everyone has arrived. It is only Ms. Jing and your elder son who have yet to arrive."