Petty Tricks

"Where is Heng Bingwen?"

"I heard from the secretary words that she was supposed to stand against his father in the election?"

"Shameless! That Jing Lihua, she knew that she would be criticized for the methods she used to acquire those shares! So she made Heng Bingwen into her pawn to control the company and divert the attention from her. But Chief Executive already told us all that Heng Bingwen had form alliance with her!"

After a moment of silence in which Jing Lihua didn't do or say anything, people were back at whispering. Their accusations and insults towards Jing Lihua were getting bolder by the minute.

"All of us now we have always promoted punctuality in the company in Heng Limited Software. A servant looks up to his master to learn. If those who are in charge of everything can't follow the basic ideals, how are the subordinates supposed to follow." A particularly loud voice stood out in the sea of whispers.