Arrival of the Black Sword Sect

Tonight he would finally complete the full transformation of the Breathing of the Gods Art took place. His soul was incredibly close to transforming into that of the Heavenly Laws Soul and there were only a few more Godly Sealing Runes to be placed before he was done.

Whenever he activated his Eye of Heavenly Law it would glow a bright white color and one ring around his pupils would appear but without any tomoes, because the transformation wasn't fully complete.

Every time he injured himself the injury would heal almost instantly with no scars due to his Fiendgod Physique coming into effect. His strength was incredible as he has never cultivated and he was scared how powerful he would be when he cultivated with the technique within the Heavenly Law Seal.

When the transformation was complete he would be able to call the Saint Devovuvering Core in any situation to devour Qi and refine it at immense speed meaning if he doesn't consume Qi too fast then he would have an almost infinite source of Qi. After the transformation, the Fiendgod Physique will also give him the Infernal Deity Battle Armor that would give him not only an almost unbreakable defense but each of his attacks would be strengthened by the armor.

Just a few days ago the village was declared a town by the dynasty and renamed to Song Feather Town. They also unveiled 3 new cultivators from the Song Clan: Song Jun, Song Zhang, and Song Yang who were all at the 1st Stage of the Qi Gathering Realm.

Wang Lin learned from the speech given by the Song Clan Leader and new Town Leader, Song Yi, that the initial stage of cultivation is called the Qi Gathering Realm and has 10 Stages. At each stage, a large amount of Qi would be gathered in the abdomen and eventually, the cultivator would reach the second stage of cultivation, the Jindan Realm.

As Wang Lin woke up and started his daily routine of meditation before getting dressed, but he heard a knock outside his door so he wore a new robe with immense speed before walking to the door and opening it.

Wang Lin's eyes scanned the two burly men in front of him before his face turned stern as he spoke: "Hello, what is it you need?"

The first burly man spoke in a very backwater native accent "I hear yer family has a lotta land worth good money. Give to me now."

The second burly man suddenly spoke casually "If you don't give us yer land, yer gonna die."

Suddenly a burst of formless energy came out of the bodies of the 2 men and Wang Lin realized that these two men were cultivators, most likely in the Qi Gathering Realm as Jindan Realm cultivators wouldn't be plundering random people's land.

Wang Lin ever since he started practicing the Breathing of the Gods Art unconsciously received Extreme Calmness, Fast Reaction Speed, and Fast Analysis. This caused a change in his personality where he no longer acted like the child he was before but became someone with the disposition of an overlord.

Wang Lin spoke in a cold voice "You have 5 seconds, leave now."

The 2 men laughed as Wang Lin counted down. The first burly man spoke, "Let's see what this trash dare do this us, hahaha!"

Wang Lin lifted his fist "3...2...1...!"

Time seemed to stop as he fist launched forward bringing forward a torrent of wind. The 2 burly men tried to block the punch but were too late as the punch connected with the first burly man causing him to launch into the sky and bouncing on the floor a couple of times before his mangled appearance was visible to the 2nd burly man.

The 2nd burly man stumbled backward in fear but Wang Lin didn't give him a chance as he launched a second punch. In the same manner, the 2nd burly man was launched into the air and then found half-dead on the floor.

Wang Lin was surprised "These guys must have been cultivators in the beginning stages of the Qi Gathering Realm. They were way too weak, disappointing I wanted to try and assess my strength."

He turned around and closed the door. He had no idea that in the distance 2 men watched the entire altercation with their mouths wide open. The first man was the manager of the market of the Ling Everbright Guild, Ling Hong, and the second was a man named Jin Dong from the Ling Everbright Guild's Martial House.

The 2 burly men were students of the Ling Everbright Guild Martial House and because they didn't want to spread the Martial House's Cultivation Technique so they use cheap herbs to force their members to develop some Qi. But the use of the cheap herbs causes their Qi Pathways to tear so they are never able to cultivate to a higher stage.

Ling Hong's eyes shock "Master Jin Dong, did you sense Qi being used in any of those punches?"

Jin Dong shook his head "No... there was no Qi used. A child used one punch with solely physical force to almost kill 2 cultivators who are born with immense innate strength. If this child was recruited to the Martial House then he would be able to bring the Ling Everbright Guild to supreme prominence."

The two stood up from their hiding place and called some servants who carried the bodies away and cleaned the blood leaving no proof that there was even a fight here.

Wang Lin despite his new mind wasn't accustomed to this world of the strong eating the weak. The weakness of obliviousness and innocence isn't forgiven easily in this world and one wrong move and you can be eaten by the tiniest ants or the biggest dragons.

Wang Lin, a few hours later he left the house because today was the day the Black Sword Sect was visiting today to announce how the selection process was going to be.

Wang Lin saw that the two men that he punched earlier were gone and he was able to deduce that these two knuckleheads were not the minds behind this.

Wang Lin's Father saw Wang Lin come out of the house as he just came back from planting the seeds for the far side of the farm. He waved his hand "Son, where are you going?"

Wang Lin answered "I am going to the Black Sword Sects arrival ceremony. Liu Yuan invited me so I am allowed to go and see what the criteria for the selection are."

Wang Lin's father frowned "Do you want to join the sect? We have a stable income now and the new town is growing faster than ever. With the Song Clan becoming a cultivation clan, the town is also protected from invaders. Do you need to become a cultivator?"

Wang Lin had thought about this as well. Even though he has the Heavenly Law Seal, does he have a need to cultivate now that they had both money and security?

But when he thought about this before all he needed to remember was his mother's death. He knew that with the Heavenly Law Seal his fate in life wasn't just to become a cultivator but to become a god. His mother needed to be avenged and there was no telling if a stronger foe would ever come to his house to try and take what is rightfully his.

Wang Lin nodded his head as his eyes shone with the light of conviction "Mother died just by being near the battle of these cultivators. If we want to truly survive in this world then we need a cultivator in our Wang Family. We have lived for so many years and farmed faithfully yet father and I are the only ones left."

Wang Lin's father worried about Wang Lin entering this cruel world but he knew ever since his son has read that mysterious book, Wang Lin has changed. Wang Lin's father thought to himself as he saw Wang Lin walk into the distance "Ancestors, that book has changed my son and I believe it will guide him in the journey he is about to embark on."