Breathing of the Gods Art

Wang Lin recognized the voice as his best friend Lu Hong. He responded, "I am coming out!"

He ran outside and saw that his group of friends were present. His group consisted of Lu Hong, Ye Tian, and Liu Yuan. They all were taught under their teacher, but only Wang Lin stayed in class long enough to learn the ancient language.

Ye Tian was the first to see Wang Lin's disheveled appearance "Brother Lin? Are you hiding a girl in your room, it looks like you have done something naughty in your room?"

The others laughed as Wang Lin fixed his hair and adjusted his robe so he looked less like a hooligan.

They started walking and suddenly Liu Yuan spoke: "Do you know the Black Sword Sect in 3 years are visiting to accept disciples."

Liu Yuan is the richest family other than the Song Clan as they have connections to people in Wind Leaf City and does quite a bit of trade with one of the rich merchant families there. This allows him to have quite a bit more knowledge than Wang Lin and Ye Tian who's families are just farmers with no power.

Liu Yuan explained "The 3rd young master of the Song Clan, Song Lan, was extremely talented and got one of the elders to be his master. The story that I have heard is that he asked his master to host sect recruitment for his clan to see who is talented among their younger generation and the sect extended it to the entire village. Every kid under 18 years old has a chance to have their talent tested to see if they are allowed to join the sect."

Wang Lin gave a fake expression of excitement as he doubted that he needed the sect with the legacy he received but on the other hand, Ye Tian, who has never seen the cultivation, was unable to hide even a shred of his excitement "We have a chance to become cultivators? If we three brothers can enter the sect then no one can stop us from taking over the world!"

Ye Tian wrapped his hand around Wang Lin and Liu Yuan who both started to imagine a world where the 3 of them entered the sect together. The 3 laughed as Ye Tian started to swing an imaginary sword as he shouted "I am the Legendary Sword Saint, Ye Tian, and these are my 2 servants. Yield to me sword Demon King!"

Soon they split up when the sun was about to descend and they all went home. Wang Lin saw his father who had just finished his work. He was already cooking dinner which was fish soup and rice.

After Wang Lin ate he told his father that he was tired and walked to his room, his eyes shined as he looked through the Breathing of the Gods Art in his mind "The Black Sword Sect, I have the treasures and techniques to dominate the world but I need a sect's resources and knowledge to help me cross the barrier. Also if my brothers are talented enough to join I have to help them in this cruel world. My mother died indirectly from a battle… I cannot even imagine what being in these types of battles will be like."

The Breathing of the Gods Art is used to completely transform the body into one that can cultivate the path of the Heavenly Law.

The first year is where his bloodline would transform into the Saintgod Bloodline which has an incredible aptitude for Qi as well as give the Saint Devouvering Core to absorb Qi at incredibly fast speeds from all sources and refine it into the powerful Heavenly Law Qi, the second year is where his physique would transform into the Fiendgod Physique which would make his body's incredibly strong and incredibly fast as well as incredible defense where he can recover from life-threatening injuries in mere seconds, and the third year where his soul is transformed into the Heavenly Law Soul which makes his Spiritual Soul Energy from his soul to transform into the superior Heavenly Soul Energy as well as transform his right eye into the Eye of Heavenly Law that holds many incredible abilities.

The breathing art could be used everywhere even if Wang Lin wasn't meditating allowing his body to be passively molded into the ideal body for the Heavenly Law Seal.

Every day for the next year, Wang Lin would constantly feel a burning feeling from his body as his blood transformed into that of the Saintgod that controls the flow of Qi throughout the universe.

Although he never cultivated Qi he always felt the flow of Qi around him and learned to be very proficient in controlling the Qi around his body. He followed his everyday routine of helping his father with the farm and playing around with his friends before nighttime.

But no one had any idea that Wang Lin was slowly transforming from a normal human to a god.

When the first year was over, a ring of golden light descended on Wang Lin as his blood shimmered with immense power. Despite being a mortal his power is enough to defeat every mortal martial art grandmaster in the world in succession.

He saved up his allowance and by borrowing some money from Liu Yuan he was able to buy the foundational sword forms scroll from the market and so for 6 months he has practiced the first 5 forms to perfection: the Thunderclap Thrust, the Flaming Sea Slash, the Raindrop Peirce, the Mist Wind Step, and the Earth Coiling Void.

By this point, it reached the second year and now his body started to transform into that of a Fiendgod with immense physical strength. He suddenly found himself eating more and more due to the transformation of his body, but luckily his father just thought that Wang Lin was growing and needed more food.

He slowly grew taller and taller while his face became more toned and handsome as his sleek muscles built along his body.

In the 2nd year, there was a rumor that the Song Clan bought a cultivation manual allowing their younger generation to have a head start in learning about the cultivation world that mortals are so ignorant about.

The Song Clan is one of the first village clans to ever produce an actual cultivator and many clans around were alarmed at the sudden rise of a new cultivation clan. The village started to get more and more visitors as the name of the Song Clan's Young Master, Song Lan, spread throughout the land. The villager's land suddenly became very valuable.

Wang Lin learned a lot from his teacher and so he was able to on behalf of his father, made a deal with the Ling Everbright Guild who wanted to build a large market on their land that included even cultivation shops. Wang Lin sold half of the farmland for 10 percent of all profits for the market, 1,000 coins a month, and 25 percent off all shops in the market.

Luckily Wang Lin stopped his father from outright selling the land for short term profit or else they would be in a lot of trouble. They still had half the land to be self-sufficient and continue farming as well as an immensely large steady profit from the market nearby.

During the 2nd half of the 2nd year, the market started performing immensely well-making lots of profit from a large number of people flowing in and out of the village. Wang Lin got 10,000 Coins as the Ling Everbright Guild reserved for the other half of the farming land as the worth of specifically the Wang Family's Land grew.

At the end of the 2nd year, Wang Lin's strength was beyond anything possible for a normal mortal and even an entire battalion of soldiers would be crushed by Wang Lin alone, with all the treasures in his body and the power to control Qi that was around his body there was no chance of him dying in battle anytime soon.

The 2nd year ended and it was now the 3rd year. With his bloodline transformed and his entire physique transformed, it was now his souls turn to transform. When he first started the transformation he felt a shocking pain run through his body as now only did his soul start transforming but his eye started to glow a bright white color.

Every day, he lived with the pain as his soul was transformed from the inside out. His very source of life was being tampered with to transcend mortality into godhood, but luckily with the Heavenly Laws Seal, no tribulation has descended for becoming a god before he has even cultivated.

His right eye was transformed into that of the Eye of Heavenly Laws, the all-powerful eye that controls every law in the universe. When fully awakened the Eye of Heavenly Law will have a white glow with one ring around his pupils with one tomoe on the ring. Each tomoe represents the stage at which the Eye of Heavenly Law is and when the eye has 9 tomoes then the second ring can be created allowing his Eye to transform into the Sage Eye of Heavenly Law which is where the eye will truly start to gain the ability to control the 9 Heavenly Laws of Myriad Forms, Spacetime, Illusions, Souls, Life, Death, Divine Punishment, Infernal Destruction, and Destiny.

The newly awakened Eye of Heavenly Law allows Wang Lin to have a 360-degree view around their body making all sneak attacks useless and it allows the user to see Qi in different colors as well as the Qi pathway system giving them full control of their own Qi as well as the ability to manipulate others Qi. It also grants incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips or mimic something like brush movements. In combat, this allows them to see fast-moving objects and, once fully developed, gives immensely powerful predictive capabilities: allowing him to anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept. The eye is also able to copy almost any art they see, memorizing spell art, soul art, and martial art with near-perfect accuracy. They can then either perform that art or modify it to suit their needs.

The Eye also can perform what is called the Heavenly Spirit Arts which has 2 paths: the Spirit Illusion Path and the Heavenly Aria Path.

The Spirit Illusion Path has various manifestations and purposes of the ability, for example, the path can, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, the eye can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as the controller wishes. It also allows the wielder to enter the target's mind and look through their memories or enter their dreams while they are sleeping to kill them in their sleep.

The Heavenly Aria Path has many 10 lights emitted by the aria: Light of Protection, Light of Enlightenment, Light of Spacetime, Light of Speed, Light of Weight, Light of Power, Light of Sundering Souls, Light of Nightmares, Light of Destruction, and Light of Life-Draining. Each light strengthens Wang Lin and weakens his enemy for example if he uses Light of Nightmares, the target will be trapped in a world of darkness filled with their biggest fears while he will gain immense speed to

After each tomoe is created his soul gets stronger and stronger until it's at the point that his Heavenly Law Qi and Heavenly Soul Energy are at the same strength.

The 3 years were free of conflict and not only was there no conflict, but Wang Lin and his father thrived as they now had a large amount of money that was comparable to the previous amount of money Liu Yuan's family was making before the village underwent the upheaval.

Sadly, just a few days before Wang Lin's body completed its transformation allowing him to finally cultivate, one disturbance will introduce Wang Lin to the world of cultivation!