Monopolized neighborhood

I was attacked and they had put a rag to my mouth that put me to sleep. I woke up and we were still in a car and I was blindfolded. He brought me into a house and unblindfolded me. According to my watch it was March 11 2019, we were traveling for three days. I was supposed to go to my grandmas in Florida for today. He asked me what day it was and I told him March 11 2019. He asked besides that and I told him that I didn't want to tell him. He told his men to bring me upstairs, and they locked me in and left the house. I unlocked the door and ran out the front door and down the street. A man caught me running, and told me that he would shelter me. I could feel his lying breath but I didn't want to run anymore. He brought me inside and he asked me what day it was and I told him March 11 2019. He told me that he knew that and that he can feel a significant event in my life is on my mind. He told me that he also felt the event is today and I told him that it's my birthday. He asked me how old I was turning and I told him 15. He told me that he didn't want to hurt me or put me in any danger. He told me that I would be better off staying in the house unless they told me I could leave. He told me that the man controls a lot of places and people. He told me that he would have to bring me back when they come home. He told me that they would shoot me in the leg or arm if I tried to escape. He saw the car pull in the street and he told me that he had to bring me back now. He told me that he would allow me to go willingly, but the second I turned around he  would stop me. I tried to run the opposite way of the house but he grabbed my wrists and tied them together. He started to pull me to the house by my wrists. The man immediately brought me into the house and shoved me into a room made of metal. The door slid up and down and was only opened when the man came close. He told me that he was hoping he wouldn't have to go this far on the first day. I heard the man who caught me telling him that it's my birthday and that others have kidnapped her. He told him that they wanted my power but she didn't know that she had if she does. My captor thanked the man and told him to go home. He came into the room and he grabbed my wrist, and he pulled me out of the room. He told me that he would not hurt me as long as I corroporated with him. He asked me about the power and I told him that if I had it I didn't know how to access it. He told me that I was lying to him and he would punish me for it. He told his men to bring me back into the room and go up to the control room. I was inside the room without food or water for a month and I was just as strong as I was originally. He ordered his men to bring me to him and he asked me how I was still strong. I told him that I didn't know how I was strong either. He told me that I was lying to him again and that I was using magic. He told me that I would tell him the truth and that I would do what he wanted. The men knew that I was telling him the truth. He told them to bring me to the room and leave me there. The men told me that he would not harm me as long as he believes I am useful. I sat in the room thinking to myself how I had two different opinions. The first option was to run and get shot at and the other was stay locked up. If I stayed locked up I would be killed when he is done with my so called crap. If I fled I could be killed in a heartbeat but there is a slight chance of getting away. I didn't know what to do I did know how to alter the camera and lock system. I altered the camera first so they saw me sitting on the bed. I heard footsteps and I ran to the bed and sat down just as the door opened. The man told me that he knew what I did and he was going to try and help me. He grabbed my wrist and he pulled me out of the room and he told me that he knew about a secret passageway. The only person who knew about it was the master but I saw him open it once. I asked him why he was helping me and he told me that he had a daughter, and he would want someone to help her. He told me that he would be at the other end of the passageway and he would bring me back to Manchester. I walked down the passageway and I arrived to the end when the master parked a car. The other man was not there yet but the master was coming to the passageway. I hid in a little hole and he walked right passed me. I waited until I couldn't hear or see him. Then I heard a car pull up and I ran out of the passageway. He told me that he was planning to put me in the trunk so nobody knew about what he was doing. I climbed into the trunk and we left. We finally got to Manchester and he opened the trunk so I could sit up front and direct him to my house. Unfortunately on the way to my house a police officer pulled us over. He told the man to get out of the car and the officer put handcuffs on him. I told the officer that he didn't need to have handcuffs on and that he was helping me. The officer told me that he was going to bring both of us to the station and he told me to sit up front. I told the man that he would not be in as much trouble as the rest of them and got into the car. The officer brought us to the station and he was bringing the man who was helping me to a holding cell. I told a higher officer to tell him to stop and remove the handcuffs and he told the officer to do just that. After that he asked me why I would want him released after he kidnapped me. I told him that I would explain everything in another room and he would be present. The confused officer agreed to a separate room. I sat down and told the officer I wanted him to sit next to me. I told them that he was trying to help me when the other officer arrested him. I explained that he was forced to do it  and he was trying to help me the entire time but he couldn't figure out how. I told the officers that he was risking his life to bring me home. He told the officers that he would be willing to tell them the location of the house and help them bring the others into custody. I told the officers that this man was controlling many individuals. He could have them fired in a heartbeat and he owned their homes. I told the officers that he had sent this man on a vacation and he was supposed to return in four days and that it takes three to get back to his house. The officers agreed to go with him after bringing me home. I told them that if they must punish him for it that I would like it to be the absolute minimum. I told them that I didn't care if they gave the others death sentences. The officers agreed to give the absolute minimum sentence I gave him a hug and thanked him for helping me. A officer brought me back to my house and my mom was shocked she thought I was dead. The officer told my mom that he suggested a trip to the hospital just to make sure that I was fine. At the hospital they asked me what I ate and I told them that I didn't eat or drink. I told them that I was beat a lot and they were amazed at my results. I was fully nourished and had no evidence of being beat even though the man confirmed that I ate nothing and was beat. They told my mom that they wanted to send me to a research center and that she would be paid for her daughter's time. My mom told them it was my decision not hers. I agreed because I was just as confused as they were. The research facility brought me to an amazing room and told my that this was going to be my room while I was there. They ran some tests and they couldn't figure it out but the only logical answer they could come up with is that I possessed some sort of magic. They asked me if I had magic and I was just like again with the magic crap. They said again with the magic crap. I told them that I was kidnapped multiple times because they believed that I had magic. I told them that I didn't know how to access it even if I did have powers. They decided to call a magic specialist and they had locked my door. I was like great locked up again and then I heard them talking to someone. I couldn't see them because the room was metal with a window too high for me to see out of. I knew that they were coming closer. I heard a click and then the door opened and two people in a cloak walked in the room. The door was locked behind them and they asked me who I was and I just ran. The room was big with many hidden spots I hid and the person found me. They held my wrist tight and told me they were not going to harm me. They told me that they would eventually take the hood off but they needed to know who I was first. I tried pulling away but they were way too strong for me. I knew that I had no choice the door was locked and I couldn't get away. I reluctantly told them that my name was Princess Unicorn. They took the hood off and gave me a big hug and told me they had been looking for me forever. I was confused they told me that they were going to bring me home. I told them I was home they told me that I wasn't human or at home. They told me that they were In the middle of a war when I was born so to protect me they brought me here they told me that they returned to get me but the owner was gone and the house completely empty. They facility called me because they knew that I knew about magic. She took my hand and we were surrounded by a colorful mist and when it disappeared, I couldn't figure out where we ended up.