Forced labor 

"Your impossible child you messed up again! Do you even love your sister? Get her over here now she will be punished again because you stupid girls can't do anything. She as the youngest is punished for every mistake especially your mistakes." 

"No don't it's not her fault leave her alone."

"Don't you tell me what to do unless you want your sister in bigger trouble than she is in." 

The last words I heard from her for a month was I love you. The man who was in charge had a special room. This room was made of a very strong plexiglass and a metal door that was opened with his keycard only. He loved to shove me to the floor and slam the door shut. There was a boy in there at all times and they were to make my days miserable. The other girls were allowed to come and talk to me through a speaker one at a time. Most of the time my sister couldn't do it because she didn't want to see me locked up. The boys would always attack me and I was thrown and hit a lot. Most days he didn't bring us food.  This man was pure evil we weren't just forced to work but we were kidnapped under everyone's noses. The man told them that were orphans and that we didn't belong in a village. We had family that he took away by giving them vacation tickets for adults only and the location was to put them in prison for life without a trial. The place we were was unknown to us all we knew was our new home was under his house. He had three keycards one was for his wife another for his son and one for himself. Their were two different dorm areas with doors that locked. The dorms were next to each other one for the boys the other for us girls. One day the boys and girls messed up and the man grabbed my wrist and my brothers wrist. He took three thick  ropes and tied each of our arms behind our backs. Then with the other rope he tied the two of us together. He turned on a machine and he picked us up with the hook on the other end. He lifted the hook as high as it would go and shut down the machine. He took the key and walked away after saying that the next mistake would result in a larger punishment for us. He told them depending on his mood depending on if it would be life threatening or not. I didn't tell you what we are expected to do because I don't know if I can handle it. It's pretty much impossible to do because he expects fifty perfect pieces of clothing per person. I watched as they teamed up to make the clothing and pointed out mistakes. The man returned just before bedtime and inspected the clothing and he lowered the hook and he cut us loose. He then took my wrists and pulled me upstairs and he pushed me to his son. His son asked what he was doing and he told him that I was to be married to him. He told his son to bring me to his room and lock me in. The son did as he was told and in the distance I heard his dad tell him to go get a seamstress. I started to try the windows and all of them locked then I tried to get out of the locked door. I couldn't get out I was locked in the boy's room. The dad came into the room and he used a chain attached to the wall to  keep me on the far side of the room. The son returned with a seamstress and I was sitting on my legs crying when he brought her to see me. He told me that he had not known about this and he didn't have a choice either. He got his dad to unlock the chain and he grabbed my wrist and shoved me into a room. The seamstress was brought into the room and he locked the door behind us he told the seamstress that neither of us would be released until the dress was made. I started crying because I was only eleven and he was forcing me to marry. The seamstress asked me how old I was and she was shocked when I said eleven. I was way too young for marriage especially to his son who was sixteen.