Magical princess 

"Get one of the girls quickly and then we leave." I woke up hearing these words followed by my dog barking. I started to go down the stairs when I was grabbed by a man and he held his hand on my mouth tight. His hand was covered in dirt I could taste it. He forced me down the remaining stairs and out my front door. He forced me into a car parked outside the door and he sat right next to me. He held onto my arm tightly. He repeatedly told me they greatly appreciated me coming down the stairs. He told me that he was going to bring me away from my life for a while. We pulled up to a house hours later and he pretty much dragged me up to the attic and left me locked inside. The attic was visibly designed for a girl. There were dresses, pink, skirts, unicorns, fluffy beds, makeup, and jewelry all over the place. They obviously planned on taking a girl and trying to please them into not trying to flee. They obviously planned for a girl who had very little money who couldn't buy fancy items. I tried to open the windows but they were locked and I knew the door was locked but I tried it anyway. I was able to break the door hinges and walk down the stairs. The man who put me there was furious he asked how I escaped the room. I told him that his stupid rich people stuff wasn't convincing. I told him that I knew they were trying to bribe me to stay but it wouldn't work. I told them I was smarter than that and broke the door hinges. He was so mad that he didn't know what to do. He stupidly attacked me on the stairs and he ended up knocked out falling down the stairs. The other man came from behind me and ended up on top of his partner. I ran out of the house and started to look around to see if people were watching. Once I knew no one was looking I transformed into my magical being. I was a magical princess who can change into any of the magical beings. I turned into my most common form it was a fairy. Fairies are known to find their way home from any distance. I just started to fly when a rope was thrown and tightened around my ankles. The man holding the rope pulled me down and brought me into his house. He told me that he would help me but flying was not a good thing to do because most people around here would love a magical being. He brought me to a room and told me to transform into my human form and get some rest. The next morning he told me that he had tricked me and I couldn't leave the house without his permission. I asked him how that is possible he told me he had the great wizard enchant his house so magical beings can't leave. I laughed and shifted into a fairy and flew out the door. He came out and told me he allowed me to leave. I told him that he had to say out loud that I could leave. He asked me how I could leave then and I told him only non blood related magical beings were trapped. I told him I had a direct blood relation with him because the wizard is the king and my father.