Chapter 3

"Anand uncle, I do not want this deal to fall through at any cost." Shreya said talking over her phone as she entered her apartment.

"Shreya, don't worry. We have been preparing for this day for a long time. Akash is sticking to him like a gum. He has no way out. He is cornered from all sides. He has no other option except to make a deal with us. Minister Rakesh is done for." A caring male voice of her uncle sounded through her phone.

"That's what scares me even more. A cornered prey is more dangerous since he has nothing to lose and everything to gain. I… I… I can't afford to lose anyone ever again. I don't know what I would do if I lost any of you guys." Shreya said while her eyes turned ice cold.

"Hey… Shreya, you are not losing any of us okay?? Now go and get some sleep. I we will talk about the rest later." Anand said comfortingly.

Shreya kept her phone down on the table and sat on the couch with her eyes closed. She had no idea how she actually fell asleep on that roof top with all these chaotic thoughts still bombarding her head.

"Hey dad… Hey mum… I miss you guys you know." She softly talked out loud but there was no one around.

"I am so close to finding the people who killed you guys. Give me some luck from up there okay. Just make sure you keep everyone here safe okay." She continued speaking with her eyes still firmly closed shut. Time passed by slowly.

But the peace was interrupted when her phone blared. She reached out to see who it was but it was an unknown number.

"Hello." She greeted.

"Hey Shreya, this is Charan. I don't know what's going on but my daughter is missing and some person just called and asked me to contact you. I don't know… I just… I…" Charan's frantic voice came through the phone.

The next second Shreya was out of the doors with her car keys.

"Charan calm down. Nothing will happen to your daughter I promise. Now send me your location I will be there." Shreya tried to calm him down.

She opened the doors of her BMW M4 right when she received Charan's location. She sped out of her apartment and zoomed through the road at high speed without giving regard to signals in a blink of an eye. All her movements were calm but very swift.

"Charan I will be there in 10 minutes. Now tell me exactly what happened." She asked him talking through the car's Bluetooth.

"I… I had just reached home. My mum left with my dad. They had been looking after Akira till I came home. Once I sent them away, I went to her room and she was not there. I searched everywhere in the house but she was not there. Right then I got a call which just said to call you and few seconds later I got picture of Akira." Charan said trying his best to stay calm.

"God damn it!! They must have tailed you. Charan I promise you I will get Akira back to you safe and sound. Not a single hair will be out of place. You send me the number from which you got the call. Anyways I am almost there at your house." Shreya said and cut the call.

Then she punched another number right after she received the number from Charan.

"Hey boss. Missing me at the middle of the night??" a voice of a young man came through cheerfully.

"Pritham, I am sending you a number track it now and gather the team. I will have specific instruction in 5 minutes. And I want the number tracked by then." She said sternly and cut the call without giving him any chance to reply.

Charan stood outside his house biting his nails. Right them a flashy car came to a harsh stop right in front of his house and Shreya alight from it. Unlike the girl she met in the roof, this girl even though wore the same clothes somehow looked cold and domineering.

But when she came in front of Charan her whole demeanor crumbled with guilt.

"I am so sorry Charan. I did not anticipate those guys will end up doing to something so preposterous." Shreya apologized. Her voice was a mix of guilt and acid. She looked as if she wanted to crush something.

Charan did not say anything; he just led her inside his house.

As soon as she entered the house, her phone blared once again. She picked it. It was Pritham.

"Hey, that number is not far from the city. It is just in one of the warehouses the Minister owns. They are just street thugs. I have Zack and our guys surround the place already." Pritham reported.

"Ask them to stand down. Rakesh is not that stupid to keep her in plain sight. Akira's safety is our priority. I do not want to take any risks." Shreya said and contemplated.

"I will call you in a few." Shreya said cut the call. Then she called someone else.

"Akash, you still have people watching Rakesh's family right??" Shreya asked as soon as the call was picked.

"Why are you asking?? I mean yes. We have people monitoring the whole family. There was no much movement." Akash said confused as to what was going on.

"Surround the whole family. I want Rakesh's son under gun point in 15 minutes." She said and cut the call before Akash could ask anything.

Shreya was his cousin and family but at time like this she really scared him out of his pants. So he obediently went and followed her orders.

Then Sindhu called one more number.

"Adam. Did Pritham fill you in on the details??" Shreya asked.

"Yes." Adam replied.

"The minutes Zack secures Akira, I want you to take out Rakesh. I want him in the bunker in one hour." Shreya instructed.

Adam was stunned for a second. Then he thought about talking some sense to her, "Shreya you can't just kidnap a defense minister."

"Can't I??" Shreya asked arching her brows.

"Okay okay, my bad. Of course you can. But that was not I am talking about. I am talking about the repercussions." Adam replied.

"He is defense minister only by title. He is just a cornered rat now. Anyways I will let your dad deal with the press." Shreya said sternly.

"Just think about it. Don't do something rash in the moment of anger." Adam advised.

"I am not being rash Adam. If I just let him go this time, there will be more people following his example. I want those people to know the consequences of touching my family. I am going to mess him up so much that nobody would ever dare to come within 100 miles of my family. Now enough chit chat. Move your people. I will meet you there when I am done here." Shreya said and cut the call.