Chapter 4

Charan just gapped at her. He did not know what to think. His brain was not even working anymore. Seeing her, for some reason he just blindly believed that Akira will come back to him safe and sound. Somehow her domineering presence put him at ease. And when she called Akira her family, he was baffled all over again. Shreya did not even meet Akira and yet she called her family. And he was extremely happy for it in spite of the chaotic atmosphere around.

"Who are you exactly??" Charan asked with a complicated expression.

"I am Shreya… Shreya Srivasthav." Shreya replied awkwardly scratching the back of her head giving him a sheepish smile.

Charan froze all over again. Then everything suddenly made sense.

"No wonder none of the staffs dared to stop you at the reception. You freaking own the damn place." Charan said still not fully getting out of the shock.

Shreya gave him an awkward smile. Right then her phone rang again.

"Hey John," She greeted on the phone.

"How do you want to handle the press tomorrow??" John asked without beating around the bush.

"Just release the evidence we have regarding his terrorist connections. He already lost all power. Only thing left is the public image. Let's trash it. I want every news station in the country making it flash news for a week. I want people cursing him so much so that the police wouldn't even dare come looking for him. I gave him a last chance. If he had just given up the list he could have saved his own life at least. His loss." Shreya said shrugging her shoulders.

"Shreya have you thought this through??? Are you sure you're not acting on impulse?? One wrong move, everything we worked for so far will fall apart in one second." John asked concerned.

"I know what I am doing John. What's the point of taking revenge against my parents' killers if I can't keep the people who are alive around me safe?? I can let go of the revenge but I can't afford to lose any more people around me John. And I think if dad was here, he will agree with me." Shreya explained.

"He will be proud." John said with a smile and cut the call.

Then she turned towards Charan and said, "Come on. I am sure Akira wants to see you the first thing. Anyways you are the only person who will be able to calm her down." She then walked out of the house.

Charan quickly followed her.

They got into the car and Shreya started speeding out.

Few minutes in, someone call her. This time Charan was able to hear both sides of the conversation since she put it on car's Bluetooth speaker system.

"Hey Shreya, it's done." Akash voice came through the speakers.

"Send a picture to Rakesh." Shreya instructed and cut the call.

Then she punched a number.

"Hello." A middle aged voice spoke.

"It's Shreya." She replied simply. Somehow her voice seemed ice cold. So far it was authoritative and expressionless. But now her voice seethed with acid.

"Oh!! Aren't you the little rich princess? What?? Called to ask for mercy and let your little boy toy's daughter go??" he asked with an evil laughter.

"You touch a single strand of her hair you will never ever see any of your family ever again." Shreya seethed.

"What??? What nonsense are you spouting now??" Rakesh asked slightly concerned.

"Check your phone and call me back." Shreya said and cut the call.

The very next minute the phone blared once again.

"You bitch!! You better let my son go. Or else you will never ever see that girl again." Rakesh angrily shouted over the phone.

"You listen you piece of shit. You even as much as think about harming her, I will have your son's brains blown up the next second. It's not a threat. It is a promise. So you better call off your goons and ask them to stand down. Do not test my patience." Shreya said and cut the call.

Then she called up some other number again.

"Hey boss." A male voice greeted.

"Zack, move in and secure Akira. Her safety is the priority. I don't care how many people end up dead on their side. I will deal with the consequences. Just bring her home safely. And call me back as soon as you secure her." Shreya instructed.

"No problem boss." He said and hung up.

Then she made another call.

"Adam, you can move in on Rakesh after 10 minutes." She said and cut the call.

Then she concentrated on driving. She pressed on the accelerator and sped through the streets. They were already in outskirts of the city. So traffic was minimal.

Shreya anxiously tapped on her steering wheel. She won't be able to ever forgive herself if anything bad happened to Akira that too because of her own carelessness. She should have been on guard and spotted the tail.

"I am so sorry Charan. I shouldn't have dragged you with me. I just… I wasn't thinking straight. A moment of impulse…" She tried to explain but failed to convey anything.

Charan did not know how to reply to her. Everything that was happening almost felt like a bad scary nightmare he hoped he could wake up from any second now with Akira beside him. He is yet to process anything that is happening now. For now all he can think about is Akira. He will have to process everything else after he had her safe and sound in his arms.

"How old is she??" Shreya asked. There was a sense of adoration and gentleness in her voice that was absent so far.

"8 years completes by this June." Charan replied.

Zack called just then.

"Boss, the kid is secure." He said through the phone.

"Is she okay?? Can I talk to her??" Charan asked anxiously before Shreya could say anything.

"She is okay. I will have a doctor check her just in case. But she is asleep actually. And I don't want her getting scared seeing everything around so I did not wake her." Zack replied.

"It's okay, don't wake her."Charan replied signing in relief. All he could think of at that moment was that Akira was safe.

Shreya quietly contemplated for a while and said, "Zack, make a video call the minute she wakes up. I do not want her waking up and panicking seeing all the strangers around. It is going to take us half an hour to reach there. Once the doctor is done checking her up keep her in a tinted car and away from all the chaos. And you be there with her till we get there."

She gave some more instructions and cut the call signing in relief.