Chapter 9

Back in the office eight pairs of eyes stared at the retreating figure of Shreya slightly stupefied. It's been so long since they saw her with such a joyous expression. When she lost her parents, Shreya also lost her innocence. She was always uptight these days. She would do something reckless every now and then but they could always feel her holding back.

"Is it just me or does Shreya look like her old carefree self??" Akash asked slightly astonished.

"It's been so long since I last saw her do something impulsive and get in trouble." Anand said with a fond smile.

And Zack being the uptight person he was asked sternly looking at everyone around, "Did someone check on the guy yet??"

Immediately everyone shook their head diligently. Zack frowned and turned towards Pritham.

"No no no… Don't give me that look. I am not looking it up on Shreya's back" Pritham said panicked even before Zack had any chance to speak up.

Last time Pritham checked on something behind Shreya's back he was caught red handed and she used him as her punching bag for a whole week. Strictly speaking they we engaged in hand to hand combat practice but Pritham was a techie. He was no good with his hands except for when he is using them to type on keyboards. So in front of Shreya he was nothing short of a punching bag.

"What if he is an asshole??" Zack asked frowning in concern.

Pritham shut his ears with both his hands and refused to hear to him. He was kinda weak when it came to human manipulation especially when it was from people he trusted.

Harshad walked to Zack and kept a hand over her shoulders and said, "Stop torturing the kid."

Adam pitched in and asked, "You think Shreya would have let her guard down so easily for an asshole??"

Zeenath tapped her fingers over the table and thought through for a whole minute and asked, "A basic background check shouldn't do much harm right?? Better safe than sorry."

Anand could see an argument bubbling in the corner. And he had seen these people argue before and it was not a pleasant sight. He had seen cats and dogs fight more decently. So being the elder he interrupted them and said, "You kids… You guys have no problem listening to her orders when it comes to bigger things. You don't even raise a hair in protest but when it comes to the guy she likes why can't you guys give her the same faith??"

His stern voice shut up any possible protest anybody could possibly make.

"She is a goner." John spoke for the first time with a slight smile.

Everyone looked at him weirdly. They might not know all the details but from what they saw Shreya had met with him may be twice in total. So his statement did not make sense to them.

Adam looked at his father with a frown and said, "She just met him."

John let out a chuckle and said, "I know that face all too well. She is just like her father. Once her mind sets on someone, she would not ever look at anyone else in her life. Srivasthav's are such stubbornly loyal bunch."

He then looked around the table and addressed everyone at once, "She is not some stupid teenager with a crush. She knows what she is doing. She doesn't trust easily. Nobody can know that better than you guys. So let her be. Let her live a little. Anyways I don't know about you guys but I am getting sick of this room. I am off."

John walked away waving at everyone.

"Me too." Anand followed suit.

Seeing them leave everyone at last stopped gossiping about their boss's love life and went home.

Anand reached home merrily humming. His wife saw this and gave him a peculiar look.

"Somebody is excited! Did you win a lottery??" Bhagya asked frowning at her husband.

"Do I even need a lottery with Shreya around??" Anand sassed at his wife with a smirk.

Bhagya rolled her eyes and asked, "Aren't you ashamed to let a youngster spoil you??"

"Why should I be ashamed?? She is my daughter. What is wrong with her spoiling me??" Anand once again sassed with a proud smile.

Bhagya just shook her head and let out a chuckle at her husband's antics.

Anand grew up heavily protected by his brother. It was not that he was stupid or something. He was very capable when it came to work but he was never been exposed to darker haunting sides of the business world. And the bond between the brothers was unbreakable. When Adithya died, he lost a part of himself. But soon Shreya filled up that space completely. She not only filled up his heart she also filled up the spot of the protective guardian in spite of her being so young.

Sometimes Bhagya's heart ached for Shreya. When she lost her parents, it was as if she had lost her innocence completely in a blink of an eye. She was forced to grow up too soon. She always had this determined face after that. She worked with all her might and expanded her father's empire into a whole new level.

But with that she never did anything for herself. She showered all her pent up love towards Anand and their whole family. She spoiled them rotten to point of no return. They all tried their best to fill up the space she lost when she lost her parents but it was not that easy. Shreya had insecurities that they did not know how to eradicate.

No matter how much they tried they were just not her parents. They all understood that but it was just not easy to accept. Bhagya had caught Shreya staring at her parents' photo so many times that she lost count.

Bhaya shook her head coming out of her thoughts and asked Anand, "So you're going to tell me what got you excited??"

"You know that slightly crazy impulsive face Shreya has whenever she is doing something for herself without giving it much thought?? I saw that face today after such a long time. She has a boy she likes." Anand said gleefully. He looked like he was in cloud nine.

On the other hand, Bhagya just blankly stared at Anand for a second. She could not believe what she was hearing at that moment. She stammered as she asked in disbelief, "You mean she is in love??"

"She just met him but I think he is it." Anand replied.

When at last the news sunk in for Bhagya she could help but let out a shriek in excitement. "OMG OMG OMG!! Shreya has a boyfriend!!!" Bhagya lamented excited.

You can't really blame them for the overreaction. Shreya had been absolutely disinterested in boys from the start. Her first marriage was actually nothing but a business deal. No matter how much Bhagya protested, Shreya remained headstrong and went and made the deal.

But 6 months into the marriage she came back home with bruises. Even though the guy actually got it worse, Akash and Anand were till enraged. But she dealt with her ex with the same cold indifference she has with her business. She sued him for divorce and sucked him dry in alimony. His company went bankrupt. Then she informed about his adultery to a gossip newspaper and provided them with scandalous photos. When she was done with him he looked so much worse than if he had been just beaten up.

Bhagya always felt like they had miserably failed her as her parents because of this. After that she had tried to set her up with dates and such but Shreya always went only to please Bhagya. That is why her joy after hearing the news was immense.