Chapter 10

Charan came back to the living room with coffee in both his hands only to find Shreya curled up into a ball in the corner of the couch nicely sleeping. He found himself staring at her unguarded expression. At the roof when she slept she had her hoodie on so her face was barely visible to him. But now her sleeping face was clear as day he couldn't help but find it adorable. Her head kept bobbing left and right without support.

He quickly kept the cups in the table and went inside and got a pillow. Then he carefully shifted her and laid her over the couch with the pillow under her head. She softly mumbled something in her sleep and shifted her body sideways.

Charan made sure she was comfortable before sitting in front of her on the floor. He reached out and kept caressing her head softly. And Shreya snuggled into his touch subconsciously. He did not have the heart to wake her up and sent her home. Or maybe he just wanted to keep her for himself a little longer. Whatever maybe the reason he just was not ready to let her go just yet.

Somewhere between overthinking and staring at Shreya, Charan fell asleep right there on the floor. He woke up only when his daughter shook him awake the next morning. When he opened his eyes, he was faced with an empty couch. Then he turned to Akira.

Akira was still dazed. Her hair was sticking all over the place while her PJ top was hanging past her shoulders. Charan scooped her over and sat her on the couch.

"Hey baby…" he greeted her softly as he tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Hey dada…" she replied. Her voice was still laced with sleep. She blinked her eyes several times to wake herself up.

Charan reached out and softly plucked her dirt at the corner of her eyes asked softly, "Did you sleep well??"

Akira bobbed her head adorably making Charan's heart melt.

"You my pretty lady look gorgeous this morning." Charan said with hearts shooting out of his eyes as he caressed at her head but before any of them could say anything they heard noise from behind.

"Hey sorry if I woke you I was just about to leave…." Shreya's voice trailed as a pair of brown eyes pierced through hers after such a long time all over again. Warmth surged through her without her realizing as she stared at Akira. She had never dreamt of meeting her again in her life. Maybe that's why when she faced Akira Shreya's voiced got clamped up while her eyes lost their ability to look away from them.

On the other hand Akira was looking at her dazed. Her eyes were practically shooting stars at Shreya. She was looking at Shreya as if one of her fairy tale princess had magically come to life. She quickly got down from the couch and stumbled towards Shreya. She was light on her feet as she looked like she was ready to jump someone. Her excitement of meeting Shreya was immense and very apparent.

Charan chuckled at his daughter's antic. He came near her and scooped her into his arms and made introductions, "Hey princess, this is Shreya. The lady you talked to on the phone yesterday. And Shreya this is Akira, my lovely daughter."

Charan's voice brought Shreya out of her stupor. She gave Akira a big smile and said, "It's very nice to meet you." Her voice was very gentle but still slightly hoarse.

"You look very pretty." Akira said shyly without meeting Shreya's eyes.

"Omg Charan! She is so cute." Shreya gushed over Akira. She was absolutely charmed by Akira in first sight all over again.

"Can I hold her??" Shreya asked with her arms awkwardly extended forward.

But before Charan could even react Akira readily hopped into Shreya arms and it was almost like match made in heaven. They both completely disregarded Charan and started talking animatedly.

Akira told Shreya about something happened in school while Shreya gapped at her every word avidly as if she was telling her something precious. Akira kept moving her hands all over the place animatedly as she talked about something while sitting on Shreya's laps. Shreya kept a protective arm around her small body.

Charan shook his head and left them to their antics and went to get freshened up. Since it was a weekend he probably would have took Akira to his parents place but with Shreya around he was not so sure what would happen. So he called his mum and informed her of potential changes in the plan.

When he came back he saw Shreya's phone blinking away.

"Shreya your phone is ringing. And Akira, go brush your teeth." Charan said and at last interrupted them. Akira gave her dad a nasty glare but still did as he told. She quickly got down from Shreya and rushed towards her room while Shreya extended her arms to pick the phone to check. It was a text.

"Hey you are staying for breakfast??" Charan asked Shreya in between when she was sending a text.

"I don't want to impose." Shreya said slightly embarrassed putting away her phone. She was not planning on staying the night but somehow when she woke up it was already well into dawn. Since she lived alone there was no one waiting up on her. She was used to staying at strange places or at times she would even simply drive around all night but for Charan- she was not sure it would have been comfortable to have someone barge into your house all of a sudden and stay the night just like that. And she did not want people gossiping around him because of her after all her car was pretty eye catching standing outside especially in this neighborhood.

"It's not much. Just stay." Charan said and moved to the kitchen without giving her chance to refuse again.