Chapter 22

Shreya bounced through the building to her office in her denim shorts and t-shirt. She had a hoodie over her tees but she wore it like a shrug by leaving it unzipped. The employees couldn't help but stare. But then again you can't really blame them. Who comes to the office in shorts??? But then again nobody really had the authority to question her anyways. So they just gave her an odd look and continued with their own work.

Shreya was extremely happy after spending the weekend with Charan. She even ate breakfast made by him before coming to the office. So did not bother with them. She went straight to Anand's office.

Anand was behind the desk going over something when Shreya barged in.

Anand looked up at her and immediately scolded, "Aren't you being too bratty at the office?? What's with that outfit??"

"What is wrong with what I am wearing??" Shreya asked looking down at herself confused.

"Nothing is wrong with it except for the fact that you will be attending a meeting today that you scheduled," Anand said pointing at her.

Shreya strolled unbothered to the couch and sat down with her legs crossed.

"So?? What's that got to do with this??" She asked arrogantly.

"…" Anand did not bother anymore. Anyways he was never going to be able to be hard on her and he knew how stubborn she was. So he did not want to waste his energy on something that anyways will not change the outcome.

"Why did call the meeting??" Anand asked instead.

"You will know when you see it. I will be chairing the meeting. You and Akash are too soft for this. You will let them off easily. Your hearts will end up bleeding for them with just a few pitiful expressions from them." She said sarcastically.

Right then Akash walked in, "Hey… don't treat us like fluffy toys." He said annoyed.

"You guys are my fluffy toys. Anyways villain role suits me better." She said in a matter of fact tone giving emphasis to 'my'.

"…" Akash and Anand looked at her speechless. Fine, they could never really win against her.

Anyways no one will be able to question her. Between the three of them, she is actually the most qualified to run the company anyways. She graduated from the most prestigious college with a master's in business management when she was just 21 years old. And on top of it, she is actually the majority shareholder in the company. So naturally, no one will be able to question her authority.

Anand had long asked her to come forward and take over. But Shreya had been too lazy and preoccupied with other stuff. So she let Anand deal with the company except for some occasional interference here and there. Her main work so far has only been to approve which projects to take up and which ones to reject. She did not meddle with day to day happenings of the company or show up for meetings.

"And Akash, ask those employees to meet me at my office at 9 sharp." She said and strolled out.

Looking at her back Akash murmured to himself, "Can I bring popcorn for the meeting??"

But of course, Anand clearly heard him in the silent room.

"You… Be more serious, will you?? You guys have talent but no discipline." Anand scolded his son instantly.

"I am serious. Look at her. She is way too excited. She is obviously going to screw someone. There will definitely be a huge drama to see. Of course, popcorn will make it so much more entertaining. And if you want to talk about discipline, don't you think you should first talk to your precious daughter. At the very least I wear proper clothes." Akash said sassily proudly pointing at his own formal suit.

Of course, Anand couldn't refute anything his son was telling since it was absolute truth. But then how could he possibly reprimand Shreya!! One 'puppy dog' look from her, his heart always becomes a puddle and Shreya knew of this weakness and made use of it appropriately to her advantage always. So he long before gave up the hope of disciplining her.

"Do I have to inform the Board that Shreya will be chairing the meeting??" Akash asked.

"No. Let them come. We will give them a surprise." Anand said and swiftly dismissed Akash.

Shreya was sitting at her office leisurely on her rolling chair with her legs crossed and hoisted on the table. Her boots made a clinking sound every time she shook her legs. She was busy playing a game on her phone when she heard someone knock on her doors and come in excusing themselves.

Akash informed the employees to go to a particular room at the set time. He did not tell them who they will be meeting. So they were frozen stunned at the entrance when they saw the person they had to report to was Shreya.

None of the employees really have any good impression on Shreya. They always looked down on her. They did not even know what position she held in the company. They always thought she should be some low-level director- a position given to her so as to give some face to Anand, who is their CEO. But when they saw her occupying the room of the President, of course, they were stunned.

There was even a metal engraved plucked at her desk that read 'The President- Miss. Shreya Srivastav".

Everyone got instantly scared. They were not really informed of why they were all gathered here. There were about 5 people. But Shreya still sat there unbothered by them playing the game on her phone.

They all gathered around her desk and stood there awkwardly. Shreya, at last, kept her mobile down and sat up straight of her chair when the phone bellowed 'Game over'. Even then she sat back very leisurely leaning back on the chair with her legs crossed and with her hands joined in front of her. The way she sat was very lazy but somehow looked extremely arrogant like an empress.

"Names and positions." She commanded coldly.

They all could feel the menace directly at them. Their backs stiffened unconsciously as they swiftly said their own names and the positions they held in the company.

Then Shreya pointed at three out of the five, "You. You. You. You guys can go to the finance department and collect your cheques for this month and go. Your services are no longer needed for the company. You guys are fired." Her words were commanding and final.

Everyone stood there frozen like a statue not being able to comprehend what was going on.

"You guys can go work at S corp. seeing as you are getting paid from them already." Shreya's voice coldly continued.

As soon as they heard her, their faces instantly paled as cold sweat formed on their forehead. They realized that they were found out. When they saw the cold expression on Shreya's face, their legs buckled. Just when they thought of begging for mercy Shreya talked once more.

"Don't bother begging. It won't help. Just out now. I don't even want to see your faces. And nobody knows about my position outside of this room. If you go gossiping about anything that happened here, forget about ever finding any job ever in your lives." She said sternly.

The three of them couldn't really do anything but walk out of the office with their heads hung low. Not that they did not want to beg but there was something in Shreya's voice that compelled them to obediently follow her directives even when their minds screamed to stay behind and plead for mercy.

And none of them dared to talk or complain about what happened. As it is, between Sri corp. and their clients, they almost constitute 75% of the business of the country. So they could already forget about getting any well-paid jobs. They did not want to ruin their chances of ever getting at the very least a normal job. They highly regretted their greed right about then.