Chapter 23

"You guys know why you two are still here??" Shreya asked at the remaining two.

Both of them shook their heads diligently without daring to open their mouths.

"You, miss- did not accept any benefit. And you, sir- your daughter had an accident and you needed cash ASAP." Shreya said pointing at them both respectively.

Both hung their heads low with guilt. They both were actually loyal but they did not have any choice but to sell out information even when guilt ate them.

"Explain," Shreya said pointing at the female.

The female employee was on the verge of crying as she explained, "My daughter… she studies with one of their director's son. They both went out together for a while. He… he had all kinds of stuff on her… I just couldn't… I am so sorry… I really tried to get them back. I just… I am so very sorry." She said fighting back her tears.

"Okay enough. Since the circumstances were extenuating, you guys get one chance. Next time regardless of the circumstance, you will be out. But more than that, when you face any problem like this before selling us out- first approach the company. We will solve it for you. That is the least the company can do for you for working your asses off here from day till night." Shreya said sternly.

They both nodded their heads obediently signing in relief.

In an hour' the three people being sacked and the reason was published on all company forums. On top of it, it also briefly discussed the case of the other two employees with their names redacted. The news asked the employees to approach the company at such vulnerable circumstances instead of seeking help outside. And the company also promised to solve the problem to the best of their abilities.

It may look empathetic on the surface but all in all, it was a clear warning as to what would happen if they ever betrayed the company.

Thus the whole company was noisy the whole day with people gossiping and discussing. And it was the same in the conference room. Everybody sat down in there elegant suits as they discussed the situation and possible solutions while some others wondered why the meeting was not commencing yet seeing as Anand was already present and why he was not sitting on the head of the table.

But Anand did not bother explaining. He just calmly sat on his chair without participating in the discussion while Akash sat opposite to him with a wide grin. His excitement could not be suppressed as he eagerly stared at the doors.

Just as the clock ticked 10, the conference room door was opened by an elegant hand while Shreya walked in briskly on her knee-length boots and denim shorts while her head was still buried on her phone. Her stride was swift and arrogant. She did not bother greeting them. She went straight to the head of the table and sat down comfortably leaning backward with her legs crossed.

The whole room just gapped at her quietly. Unconsciously all of them felt a chill run down their spine. In spite of the way she was dressed, the arrogance and the confident aura around her was very domineering. Subconsciously everyone was compelled to sit straight respectfully without even realizing they were doing it.

She, at last, kept her phone down and looked up at the people.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." She greeted them politely.

They all greeted her back respectfully.

"Meeting should not take long. I will come straight to the point. Today I gathered you people here to show what happens when you betray the company. So getting on the business, you, you and you." She said pointing out three middle-aged men without bothering to call them out by their name.

"You guys are fired. And don't bother going job hunting after this. You won't find any. I already made sure of it." She declared straightforwardly straight out if the bat stunning everyone in the meeting room.

There was a whole minute of absolute silence as everyone tried to catch up to her words and comprehend them properly. When it finally hit them what she was saying, the three people were instantly angered. They couldn't accept that a kid they saw grow up had the ability to suppress them.

From her confident voice, it would seem that it was no threat from a kid but a promise from someone who had absolute power. But they still looked down at her because of her age. They were confident that Shreya did not have the power to even find evidence let alone do something like that.

So they played dumb.

"How dare you?? Do you know how long I have worked for the company?? How dare you a mere kid question our integrity?? You don't even have the authority to do that??" one of them said.

"The position you hold is a grace given by us out of respect for your father?? How dare you use it to slander us??"

"It is a position given by us. Show some respect or else it won't take long to take it away from you??"

Only the accused spoke up. None of the other voiced any opinion. They wanted to. After all, they have worked together for years but then they saw that Anand was not saying anything. SO they shut their mouths and watched the drama.

"Why are you all staying quiet? Are you guys really going to let her, a mere kid, do this to us??"

"Do you guys believe in her nonsense??"

They continued wailing shamelessly. Shreya just let them spout for a while. Then the three of them turned towards Anand and Akash.

"Akash even you are not going to speak up for us???"

"Anand are you just going to sit there and watch???"

"Hey don't look at me. I don't even have the gut to question her let alone the authority to defy her." Akash declared straight away with a panicked expression waving his hands defensively.

"Even I am out of it. You guys have any problem, ask her directly. I don't want to be dragged down with you guys. She is already pissed at me for not eating on time. I don't want to be on her bad side. I like my job very much." Anand said flaunting her authority shamelessly brown-nosing her. He was purposely taunting them for threating to sack her of her position. It was a clear declaration that nobody here had the power to take her position from her.

Shreya couldn't help but smile slightly at their shameless acting. Her cold face considerably softened. At the same time, it warmed her heart seeing their support for her.

"…" Everyone else.

When everyone else heard Anand's reply, they were all left speechless. For them, Anand had given her the position of President just for a keepsake for his brother. They always thought he had absolute authority over the company. But looking at him now, they did not know whether he was just giving her a face or was it really true that Shreya can fire him.

Whichever it was, the result will be the same if they even tried to go against her. So if they were scared to speak up before, now they became absolute statues. They did not even dare to move a muscle. As Anand said, they liked their jobs very much.