Chapter 135

Akash paced around Shreya's office biting his fingers anxiously. He had been doing it for a better part of the morning. But Shreya was actually late today. After everybody left, it took a long time to settle down then kids and sleep. Of course, she also had to deal with the mess Meera left. So she slept in today. Anyways she did not have much too since she had stayed late and completed everything before leaving for the weekend. And on top of it, she had sour throat in the morning. But who knew, as soon as she entered the corridor, she would be dragged into her office by a very distraught looking Akash.

"Hey, what happened?? Why are you sweating so much?? And why didn't you come over yesterday??" Shreya asked confused. She had actually called him over yesterday but he was a no show.