Chapter 136

Once all the plates were cleared, Akash gave some signal to the staff there and then cleared his throats before speaking.

"Madhu… I…" Akash started but before he could even get out one proper sentence, Madhu lifted her hands and stopped him on track.

"Look Akash… I can't do this anymore. Please… I really can't. Don't ask for a reason. If you want someone to practice… I will find you someone else… I just can't. I will go now. Thanks for the dinner…" Madhu said with a distraught face and left the hall with a jiffy.

Akash blinked for a few seconds not understanding what was happening but when he realized she was actually gone, he quickly thanked the staff there and followed her.

"Thank you, gentlemen. I think that will be all for today." He said and left the hall and chased after Madhu. But by the time he actually found her she had already exited the hotel.

"Madhu…" He called out from behind.

Madhu turned behind surprised.