172. ... see even you are treating me like a kid.

Family… Nobody knows its importance more than Shreya. Because she was someone who had lost a family and then later found another. So she knew what it's worth and what it brings to life.

Her family… Anand uncle, Bhagya, Bhavna, Akash, Adam, John… and every single person she cares about and who cares about her… She cherished them with utmost care.

They were what gave her direction… they were what gave her the will to fight… Their safety and security are for what she was fighting for. Having them was what gives meaning to everything she does.

Sometimes, even when they are gone… they end up helping you. That's the power of family. Without her parents or their love… she wouldn't have the urge to fight so hard. If only this company wasn't her fathers… if it hadn't been Adithya's legacy… she wouldn't have worked so hard to run it.