173. Part time job

"Where did you guys go??" Zeenath asked as soon as Shreya and Srinivas entered the house completely soaked in sweat and dirt.

"I went out for a run and coincidentally ran into Shryea on the way…" Srinivas answered.

Shreya, on the other hand, did not bother to answer and just went to her room for a shower. She was soaked both in water and sweat which resulted in dirt sticking to her skin like glue. She felt sticky. She wouldn't feel normal until she can wash everything out. She was not a cleanliness freak and all… but she did give attention to hygiene.

Srinivas, on the other hand, went straight to the kitchen. He was famished. He went out for the run as soon as he woke up. Originally, he was just planning for a half an hour lap around the mansion forest but then she had met with Shreya and somehow two hours had gone by just like that. And now his stomach was begging him for something to eat.