174. President... You mean Shreya?

On the completely different part of the world, things were not so smooth.

Anand felt a headache coming as he looked through the papers on his table and the girl in front of him.

She looked extremely timid and scared out of her mind. She looked as if she was going to be hugging the ground any moment now. As if her knees would give away if he had as much as even breathed her way.

"Why didn't you say this before??" Anand asked. In spite of himself, his voice still showed his irritation.

"Sir, I… I just… Madam…" The little girl stammered around without being able to get any coherent words out.

Anand let out a sigh and just signaled her to go. After all, he knew he couldn't get much out of the girl while the papers in front of him already told him everything without anyone having to tell anything. So there was no use in scaring the girl more than she already was.