A commitment...

"Here, drink this first…" Srinivas said handing her the water bottle sitting her on the couch.

All the rooms in the mansion were similar. All had a king-size bed, closet, attached bath, a couch, and some miscellaneous furniture.

Zee just drank the water greedily while her mind raced to find anything at all to get her out of her predicament. But all she heard were the click sound of the doors as Srinivas closed behind them.

After that silence ensued between them while Zee tried to drag the time as much as possible by drinking water as long as she possibly could.

Srinivas did not really talk anything. After all, he had already asked the question and was waiting for her to answer them honestly. And of course, he was a very patient man. So he just sat at the bed facing straight at her. And the door was behind him… so, if she wanted to make a run for it, she would have to get past him which was not a small task.