Are you afraid?

Srinivas did not react. His face did not change throughout her speech. He just stared at her intently and listened to her as calmly as ever. His face did not give away anything. Neither his emotions nor his thoughts. If he had been hurt by what Zee had told him or disappointed, he did not show it on his face.

A while passed in silence. But then Srinivas asked breaking the silence, "Have you ever thought about it? Why? Why do you not want to have any commitment? Is it that you did not want to or is it that you are afraid to make one? Are you sure that you cannot commit? Or are you just scared that people are going to fail you invariably once you commit?" His voice and eyes were steady as they trailed at Zeenath.

 The nervousness Zeenath had shooed away with so much effort came back the minute she heard his question. Because he had nailed it where it hurt the most.