No way...

"Akash, Adam… Check if any of their family members had been receiving money from somewhere… It must be for the money. And I want each and every sentence is this drive vetted. I want you guys to re-check everything my dad found. I want to make sure they are true." Shreya continued.

"Why, Shreya?" Zack asked. After all, Adithya was not a sloppy person. He wouldn't have put anything here that he had not confirmed several times with absolute certainty.

"Just making sure that I am not missing anything…" Shreya shrugged away the question. But the main reason was to check whether there were any hidden clues in there.

But more than that… her father had been absolutely paranoid back then… So, he must have had a hidden key in this. Or at the very least, Adithya should have flooded the drive with both good and bad intel to mask it. That was something she would have done. But not finding anything like that is bothering her.