To chat...

Back in the conference room, Shreya went over the bank data for one last time before turning towards Pritham.

"Where is the copy I asked you to make?" Shreya asked extending her palms out.

Pritham handed over a pen drive that was similar to the one her father had hidden behind the painting.

"But Shreya, be careful with that. Even though I had encrypted it… with the right person and right equipment, it will be a piece of cake to get into them and even though this will get out eventually… getting it out now will be very disadvantageous for us…" Pritham warned before placing the drive on her palms.

Shreya nodded and said, "Relax, Pritham. I know what I am doing. I have already thought of a way to use it to our advantage. I am not going to go around - flaunting it carelessly."

"You need anything else?" Pritham asked seeing as Shreya did not ask him to leave just yet.