There are going to be mosquitoes around…

Adam was standing outside Preethi's house… to be more specific, he was standing outside her parent's place. He hadn't really gotten to talk to either Preethi or Akil in the past few months right after his birthday. He promised to make it up to them later. He knows it wasn't exactly the right time to bail on them, but he had been helpless.

Work had been beyond crazy.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number. He patiently waited… after almost a full minute of ringing, a groggy voice answered from the other end.

"Hey, Charan. This is Adam. You mind opening the door!!" Adam talked straight to the point.

The line went dead without any real reply but a few minutes later, Adam heard shuffling from inside and Charan came into view… in all his haggard glory.

"What happened? Why are you here so late?" Charan asked slightly out of it. "You want me to call Preethi down?" He asked without really giving Adam time to reply.