They are two peas in a pod.

Charan was sitting on the sand looking at the sky. He did not even know how he got here. All he knew was that he agreed to Adam's proposal of going on a vacation… and Adam bundled everybody up in one swift move and sent them away.

Before anyone could even think straight, they were already a few miles high up in the air with no way out of it.

And kids are absolutely in love with this place along with Preethi… they had been playing around and exploring everything adherently for two weeks now.

And unlike when Shreya and her troupes came, this time around the island was not that deserted. Shreya had increased the number of staff members and bodyguards around significantly.

So, the mansion was filled with people more or less… And of course the cameras… Almost every last inch of the island was filled with cameras and drones. Adam swore that only a handful of people had access and to rest assured.