Are you threatening me?

The room was brightly lit and looked luxurious and dignified. A middle-aged guy sat there in the head on the table while Shreya sat opposite him. Another slightly older guy sat beside Shreya looking nervous. He looked like someone who was caught between a rock and hard floor.

Shreya was looking at the guy opposite her with a fierce and stubborn look while the guy stared back at her with an equally stubborn look. None of them seemed to be thinking about giving up any time soon.

"I cannot release Abishek into your custody Shreya… the hearing is in one week and you very well know how integral it is for Abishek to testify in the court… that is the only way I can get a conviction. That is the only way to take down the syndicate… I thought that is what you wanted!!" The guy exclaimed frustrated retracting his eyes from her fierce laser-like look.