I am just so scared…

The room was fully dark without a speck of light… there was eerie silence… The whole building was the same… The silence was almost haunting…

But such silence was broken by the soft whimper followed by steady footsteps.

Zack walked towards Shreya's office room. He knew she wouldn't have left yet… When he saw the darkroom, he took a minute to adjust his vision to the darkness.

And then his eyes zeroed in on the silhouette of the figure crouched on the chair. Zack switched on the lights as he asked, "What are you doing in the dark?"

Shreya did not answer but instead winced and closed her eyes because of the brightness… Her face flinched unconsciously.

"What are doing here?" Shreya asked once she got used to the light.

Zack came and stood beside her as he ruffled her hair and answered, "I just had a feeling you will be here like this… So, I came to check up on you."