Kidnap you...

It had been 24 hours since she received the mail… Shreya was now sitting outside Abishek's temporary house. It is about another half an hour's time before the time she gave for the minister ends.

She was really tempted to just screw it over and drag Abishek out of there… but she retrained to that last thread of rationale and stayed put. It will be a real headache if she broke through the front doors now…

Anyways there is still 24 hours before the meeting time… And she can always break in if nothing else works…

But to her surprise, Abishek actually walked out and walked towards her car. He slowly reached her car and knocked on her windows.

Shreya rolled down her windows…

"What are you doing here?" Abishek asked. He did not really seem surprised to see Shreya inside the car.