House cat

Time remained the same inside to house… but with every minute passing by, the situation was getting volatile and out of control.

"Shreya… it's time you take Charan and leave this place… we can handle it…" Andrew whispered to Shreya.

Without having to worry about protecting both of them, the guys will actually be able to handle this better. And without Shreya here, Delaney actually will lose the leverage.

But Shreya also knew Delaney would never let them leave. The minute she tried to take a step out of the living room, Delaney is going to go ballistic. She might not care about herself, but Shreya cannot blindly take such a chance. So, she decisively dismissed Andrew's idea.

"Since it seems like we are going to be stuck here for a while, why don't we talk? Are you so short of money that you started taking 'errands' now?" Shreya asked walking from behind the guys.