Do I look like I care…?

The next thing Charan knew as soon as he handed over the gun, he was punched in the gut… pretty hard only to be left to face a very furious-looking Shreya staring down at him as he clenched on his stomach in pain…

"Ouch, Shreya…" Charan exclaimed unconsciously. But he never got to say anything more as Shreya practically squeezed him inside out in the name of a hug.

"You scare me like that one more time, it won't end with just a punch!" Shreya threatened. Her heart almost stopped when he was facing Delaney… Thankfully, Zack came in time… or else she did not even want to think about the consequences.

Charan simply wrapped his arms around her rubbed her back soothingly. Her whole body was slightly shivering. He could almost hear her heart beating out of her ribs.