Five years ago.

"Sweetie are you really sure about this?"

"Mom." Veronica glanced ant her mother, Celerina Wang with a gentle expression. "It's been four years now and besides I won't be staying there for too long."

"I can't help but worry about you, Vivi. What happened that time was already enough for me to bear. Please think of Fire and Fair." Celerina Wang pleaded.

The thought of her twins softened Veronica's firm resolution, however, the severity of  the problem in Country P's force made her feel that she needed to personally go there. She was yet to establish her own force in Country P but her trusted right hand, Zero, reported that there is an unknown superior force seemingly preventing them from gaining more power. It's like an ominous force was trying to contain them and worst, they were rendered powerless.

"Mom....your worries, I could understand them but please, trust me."

"Even so. Vivi, although the people we suspected to have instigated what happened that year had been destroyed by an unknown force but your uncle Bien, I and your father were suspicious that there's more to it. Please think more about it. And don't forget the danger you might put yourself into."

Veronica couldn't deny the fact that her mother has a point. Those scheming people that destroyed their family's treasured reputation are dangerous. She seethed in anger just remembering what happened to her and her family years ago.

Veronica had always wanted to take revenge but the question whom? Unknowingly after they left Country P with the help of her mother's brother, her uncle Bien, the Yan Family whom they suspected to be behind the destruction of their family and her accident was also ruthlessly destroyed by some unknown force. She was curious about it but never dwelt much since that is the reality of life, worst,..... that's how politics in politics works. Probably the unknown force was another family the Yan family has unfortunately offended in the past.


"We will missed you mommy. Muah!' A three years old blond-haired girl kiss across the laptop screen. 'Bayfigh and Bayfey wibe obedient until you come back home, wight Figh?"

"Yes." A monotone reply of another three years old red-haired boy. The boy was the very opposite of his chatty and lively twin sister. Matured like for his very young age but when it comes to their mother, he is, after all, just a young kid.

"Take care mother. I'll look out for Baelfire and grandma and grandpa while you're not around."

Veronica's strong resolve was melting away because she started to missed her twin children already. "Remember what you promised mommy Fair, okey? Mom will be back as soon as possible." Veronica addressed her youngest daughter.

"That made mommy happy Fire. Please do so." This time she addressed her eldest son. 

When everything was ready for the plane to take off, Veronica bid her byes to her twins. She saw the sadness both in their eyes but she was proud to have raised them to be strong but...not yet independent. After all, she is a mother and no matter how much she wanted her children to be strong for their own sake, she still wanted them to be dependent of her because at the end of the day, she will always be their mother who will always have their back. 

Baelfire was the one who inherited her red hair. Baelfair on the other hand was blond. Her mother once told her that her maternal grandmother was blond while her grandfather was a red-head. That explained each of the unique hair colour of the twins. 

Her twins are the polar opposite of each other but both are comparatively and undeniably geniuses. And both.....has....their father's face.

"Indeed their father's children".

After the private plane took off, Veronica was half asleep as she remembered the incident five years ago and once again dreamed her past with the man who fathered her, her children.


Four Years Ago, The Clandestine Place Club.

"You guys sure about this?!" Pearl asked timidly.

"Of course!" Yvette answered. Excitement laced in her voice as she warmed up her body with some dancing movements.

The club was filled with loud music from the DJ along with the cheering of the dancing crowd.

"Here you go guys!" Martha exclaimed loudly as she distributed Heineken to each of them with the help of Ric, one their underclassman whom their group is very fond of. He's like the baby of their group.

"So how was it?" Ric teased her as it's been a common knowledge for everyone in their group that she was very excited to experience night clubbing.

"Suave!" Veronica giggled. Earlier that day was their succesfull thesis defense and maybe that was what heightened her joyous mood and she gulped her beer while shaking her body. "Ugh!" Her face wrinkled. San Miguel apple flavored beer or a Smirnoff could have been better, she thought. She drinks alcohol yes but she can only tolerate the lighter ones with less alcohol content. 

"Guys, I'll be leaving by ten, okey?!" Pearl shouted as she's starting to be comfortable in the crowd and decided to dance decently as well. 

Pearl is an unica hija and her parents were strict of her. Thankfully, despite of being strict, her parents were also rational not to the point of restricting Pearl  to go out and enjoy with her friends. Only that there's a curfew being set.

"Make it eleven!" Veronica tried to persuade as she looked at her watch. It's already nine and she thought they haven't enjoyed muh together yet.

"You know Mom girls. She might be mad if I come home later than the set time and won't allow me to go out next time." Pearl answered gently.

"Ohh." Veronica no longer argued as that was the truth. "Anyway, where's Floyd and Gedmaire? Thought they're already on the way?"

"There they are!!" Rose pointed. All of them looked excitedly as the two approached them.

"Yessssss!" Floyd animatedly shouted.

"Le etat c' est moi!" Gedmaire exclaimed.

All of them rolled their eyes at their friend Gedmaire. After the kiss and greet they continued with having fun dancing. 

Veronica is now on her third bottle of beer and she must admit she's already tipsy and is, herself boldly dancing with her friends. Without her knowing, she caught the attention of a pair of eyes since she and her friends entered the dancefloor. 

At the VIP private room seated an amorous man with much sophistication like of a royalty. Tall and well-built frame, thick dark black hair, bushy yet neat brows, deep seated eyes, high-bridge nose, thin sexy lips and a sharp jaw. An angelic man at a glance but.... devilish at a closer look. The man decided to walked towards the balcony and look at the chaos below through the tinted glass window as he took a sip from his cognac.

"Bunch of.....," something glint in his eyes as he saw from below, a group of teenagers entering the dancefloor. From the group, his attention was instantly on the girl wearing a black blazer and a denim skirt. He can clearly see her from the second floor private room.

After a while, he returned to the lounge and indulged more of his drink. Just as he shut his eyes, the gleeful girl earlier from the dancefloor flashed before him. Another glint, this time, dangerous, flashed in his eyes.

"Ryan." He called out to his Secretary.

"Yes President?" Ryan instantly appeared by his side. A confused look evident on his face as he saw the amusement and at the same time the look he only knows appears in his boss' eyes whenever he's excited for something, like blood bath.

Rawlf pointed outside the transparent sliding door. "Get that girl here."

Secretary Ryan was even more confused. "Girl? Who? There's a lot of girls below." He thought. "B-boss? Who?" He asked nervously. It's already known for everyone in the high society that Rawlf Sy of Sy International was an aloof cold-blooded man. That is, to be exact, an understatement. Rawlf Sy, contrary to his manly and handsomely angelic feature is a very, very dangerous man. Someone whom your mother would advised you to stay away as far,..... far away as possible.

"Black blazer. Denim skirt."

Secretary Ryan looked outside trying to look for the girl who caught the President's interest for the meantime. He's already formulating his plan on how to get the girl and how much will he give her in order to silence and avoid controversy after his boss satiate his needs and fun for the moment.

"Oh," he thought as he finally locate the girl whom his boss pointed out.... "wait, isn't that young master Ric?" Secretary Ryan's eyes widened as he confirmed. "President, your younger brother,.. I mean your father's youngest son, Ric is in her group. They must be friends."

Rawlf sip from his wineglass. "Call him and his friends here. Be sure that that girl also comes." Rawlf said dangerously.

Ryan moves faster to do his boss' request. The thing that botherd him is that, if the girl is able to be friends with the President's younger brother,.. he meant, the President's father's youngest son to another mistress, that means that the girl must have come from an affluent family.

It didn't bother him though as President Sy has enough power, more than anyone could imagine,... to get away with it. Secretary Ryan shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever. The devil's wish is this poor secretary's command."