
"Young master Ric."

Ric was surprised to see Secretary Ryan in front, his older half- brother's Secretary.

It's not a surprised for him to see the secretary or the thought that Rawlf Sy, his older half-brother, is inside the club but more likely, it's unbelievably surprising that Rawlf Sy's secretary approached him. Ric excused himself from his group of friends to talk to the secretary privately.

"What it's all about Secretary Ryan?" Ric maintained his distant yet polite attitude towards the Secretary. After all, despite being illegitimate, Robert Sy's legitimate family maintained their civil treatment towards him and his mother. Maybe because his mom knows her place in his father's life that she didn't insist for anything more than what his father would give them as per responsibility.

As for him, as long as his father provides for his and his mother's need and possibly some luxury someone carrying the blood of a Sy deserves, then he no longer thought of other things. 

Why complicate his already complicated life further right?

"President Sy would like to invite you," Secretary Ryan paused and look over behind his friends table. He seemed to be looking for a specific person and frowned when he can't find that person, " and ALL your friends." Secretary Ryan finished.

Ric suspiciously looked at the Secretary. "Are you looking for someone?"

"Not really. I was just confused because  back at the VIP room I counted you to have been eight but seems like I counted wrong." Secretary Ryan was quick to answer.

"Oh yes, two of my friends went outside to help another friend of ours to safely take a cab." Ric was still suspicious as to Rawlf Sy's motive of inviting him and his friends over.

But whatever his older half- brother's intentions, he knew for a fact that he won't hurt him or his friends. Dangerous Rawlf Sy may be, but Ric knew he is a 'rational' man. Probably he just wants to see and get to know him. Afterall, he is still his older brother and deep inside him, he crave for an older brother's affection. 

Veronica just came back with Yvette and both of them frowned when they saw their group's empty table. The thing that confused her more was there's a man in suit standing beside their place. She tried to look for their friends on the dancefloor.

"Where do you think they would go to?" Yvette asked her while dialing Martha's number.

"I don't know. Maybe somewhere in the dancefloor." Veronica swept her eyes around. When they were about to reached their table, the man in suit came forward to meet them.

"Excuse me miss, your friends were invited by my master on the VIP private room at the second floor." The man informed them politely.

Veronica and Yvette were suspicious and curious of who might have invited their group.

"Please follow me." He then insisted.

"I'm sorry but I don't have the slightest idea of who your master is. Is it someone one of us is acquainted of?" Veronica asked the man.

"Yes miss. Please look over there."

"There thy are!" Yvette pointed at Ric and their friends waving at them at the open balcony of the club's second floor.

'Oh so there was a balcony. How convenient.' Veronica thought. The VIP rooms of the club was located at the second floor. She saw there were several cubicles each with tinted sliding doors.

As they reached the VIP room, the man who introduced himself as Secretary Ryan slide opened the door. He then step aside obviously telling them to come in first. Yvette walked inside and Veronica followed but was once again confused when Mr. Ryan slide closed the door right away, leaving himself out. Like he was afraid that someone might escape out. "Weird man." Veronica mumbled at the closed door.

"And the last one is Veronica Wang."

Veronica heard Ric and as she turned around, a pair of dark, dangerous eyes look through hers. He stared rather too intense at her, taking her breath away. Something tingles inside her and she wasn't naïve not to understand what she's feeling for those set of eyes continously staring back at her and like a vacuum, absorbing her rational thoughts leaving her stupefied. 


Veronica recovered after hearing this curt reply from the owner of those eyes. He seemed uninterested and that embarrased and annoyed Veronica at the same time. Embarrased because it's not like her.

Veronica Wang losing her chill because of someone's pair of eyes? Annoyed because despite of the uninterested reply from the man, she felt addicted by what those set of eyes made her feel like. And it stirred something not so dormant within her.