Light Blue Hair

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"Nice to meet you, Aki Natsuki," said Sora with a grin spread out on his face. He took a long look at Natsuki's beautiful features before continuing to speak, "I heard you were the one who took care of me in the hospital… Thank you."

Natsuki trembled ever so slightly, her eyes shook as she continued to stare at Sora with a nervous smile.

"N-no, the pleasure is all mine…" muttered Natsuki. However, after thinking about it for a moment, Natsuki began to blush fiercely as she realized what she had just said.

Having all the pleasure whilst Sora was in SAO is already a done deal. She couldn't take it back, even if she was forced to. Even if she could, Natsuki would refuse in an instant. The pleasure she felt was unique and amazing!

Even whilst not conscious in his actual body, Sora Can always somehow give women the greatest pleasure of their life. Just strong, pure, and intense Yang is enough to drive a woman to the brink of insanity as they orgasm intensely.

His body that was nourished and tempered by the Nirvanic Taichi Art is so amazing and above godly. Being tempered by the forces of Yin and Yang, including Life and Death, Sora's body is ever so close to a state of nonexistence. A state where no one can ever feel where he is, and if Sora wills it to be, he can't be seen by the naked eye at all.

His flesh, bones, spirit, soul, blood, Essence, will, and mind had all been tempered by the Yin and Yang. They all had a tinge of Yin, Yang, Life, Death, Nonexistence, Primal Chaos, and Primal Elements.

If Sora becomes nothing more than a consciousness, he could make use of the Yin, Yang, Death, Life, Primal Chaos, Primal Elements, and Nonexistence in any way he sees fit as a conscious.

They would all be at the tip of his fingers.

Quickly leading everyone in, Sora acted as if there was nothing sexual between him and Natsuki. The only one acting kind of weird amidst everyone was Natsuki, who was trembling as she taped some nodes on Sora who was naked, besides some underwear.

However, even whilst wearing underwear, Sora's sleeping dragon was still a rather big dragon. All the men looked at Sora in envy and the women that came to help held blushes on their faces.

Kikuoka held his ever so calm smile on his face, but even he held an envious look on his face as evident by the twitching of his lips.

"I assume everything is ready?" Sora sat on his bed with the nodes taped to his body. He glanced around the room before fixating his gaze on Kikuoka.

Kikuoka nodded in approval, giving Sora the signal to enter the game he had been given the day before.

Gun Gale Online.

"Link Start."

Once Sora entered the game world, Kikuoka and the rest dispersed and left the house, leaving Sora and Natsuki alone in the room.

Kikuoka left some disguised bodyguards outside of Sora's house, leaving them to take care of Sora.

Natsuki looked at the 'vulnerable' body of Sora's that just laid there calmly on the bed. Her gaze shifted to the outside and then back to Sora.

"It's just you and me now…" muttered Natsuki with a blush on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.

She closed the door and windows to Sora room before stripping down and getting naked. She got on top of Sora and rubbed her naked body on his.


Without warning Sora appeared within a sort of suburban like area with a damp and futuristic feeling to it.

Once Sora appeared in the new game, Sora was surprised to find himself almost 100% like his real life body. Almost no differences between the game body and his real life body besides the white hair and white eyes.

'Looks like that nurse is using my body again,' thought Sora as he felt dainty hands grab into his meat.

Dumbfounded by the changes caused to his character from just transferring from another game, Sora could just shake his head with a wry smile. Though he couldn't lie to himself, Sora felt like he looked really good with white hair and eyes.

If his previous hair and eye color, black, had more of a serious, stoic, mysterious, and desolate feeling. Then his current hair color, white, gives off more of an accepting, benevolent, divine, and lively feeling.

Thinking about it, Sora had the ability to control every single part of his body at will, changing his natural hair color should be as easy as breathing. If he should ever feel like it, he could change his hair color, eye color, skeletal structure, flesh shape, and skin color.

Just as Sora was about to continue his thoughts, someone bumped into him and made him unconsciously attack the person. However, Sora's eyes were quite fast, once they noticed the female figure that was falling to the ground slowly, Sora's fist changed into a soft hand that wrapped around the young lady gently.

"Be careful," said Sora with an amiable smile towards the light blue haired girl that looked up at him with a dazed look on her face. When the girl was falling, she had already started getting mad and was even about to start cussing at the man until her eyes landed on his exceptionally built body and charming face.

Like a moth lured by a flame, the young girl felt attracted to Sora in an instant.

Quickly remembering where she is, the girl removed and stood up hurriedly before shoving Sora away, "I-I have to go!"

The girl was about to run away before being stopped by the young man.

The girl had quite an apprehension against men caused by a trauma from when she was younger. Ever since, she had only made friends with only one guy from her school.

Yet despite her slight fear and disgust to men, she found it hard and even possibly impossible to hate or dislike Sora. His natural charisma and clear eyes stirred her heart and soul, tugging on those strings and making her heart beat quicker.

She felt attracted to Sora and even felt like remaining by Sora's side as it eased her fears and trauma. His natural charm and the kind and gentle aura he emanated was calming her down at an alarming rate.

"Wait hold on! I'm new to this game and wish for you to guide me for a while," said Sora as scratched his cheek nervously.


The girl looked at Sora with a flustered expression before slowly nodding. She calmed down and said, "Do you have a weapon yet?"

Having been calmed down by Sora's aura and gentle clear eyes, the girl decided to stick around and help Sora out.

His gentle, yet sharp and masculine, looks made her relax and wish to get to know Sora. Helping him out was something very easy for her who had spent playing Gun Gale Online for a long time.

"Not at all. Completely gearless and weaponless," said Sora with a shake of his head. "I also have no money."

'Would've been nice if Kikuoka had spared me some in-game currency. It's annoying having to go to the in-game store and buying it. It's also a waste of money…'

"Hmm… there's not much you can do without money," said the girl as she looked at Sora with a thoughtful look.

Sora rubbed his chin before looking around for a bit. With the game being so similar to the modern world and the other two games he has been in, Sora knew that there must be a place to easily rack up some money.

Turning his gaze onto the girl, he noticed her eyeing an area pretty far.

"What are you looking at?"

"Untouchable!, the best game for you to earn money quickly and easily. However, it is also the hardest game which none have been able to beat…"

The girl explained how many people have tried to beat Untouchable! and failed to do it, letting the money pile up.

The currency was now all the way up to 301,000, which was quite a hefty sum.

"Let's go. It isn't too far from here," said the girl before pulling Sora along by the hand.

"It's too late for this, but nice to meet you. My name is Heaven," said Sora as he smiled at the girl.

Maintaining a serious face, the girl blushed a little as she responded to the young man, "Sinon."

After a short walk that lasted 2 minutes, Sora and Sinon finally made it to a Casino where Untouchable! was at.

When Sora and Sinon arrived, a man was attempting to beat Untouchable!. The man ran, evading the bullets of the AI stationed at the end of the runway.

Just as the man was about to make it to the end, the AI started doing some cheap shots, quickly dealing with the man.

Understanding the mini-game Untouchable!, Sora walked up to the game with confidence.

"Wait! I didn't finish explaining the game!" Sinon tried stopping Sora going further, however all she was met with was a small wave and a smile that eased her worries and instead made her feel confident in Sora. 'This is strange…'

Sora walked up to the little paying machine before entering the Untouchable! game. Waiting for the countdown to end, Sora did his feet into the ground before revealing a bored and lofty look on his face.





Once the word 'GO!' appeared in front of him, Sora dashed off with great speed, surprising everyone in the surroundings. Even with Sora's speed limited to the average of a human's inside the game, Sora still had his movement techniques and perfect control of his body.

In just a second, Sora had already crossed ten meters, half of the way to the gunman.

The gunman was equipped with the latest AI, making him appear human-like with simple responses, however nothing near Sora's level.

However no one knows about it since records of actual living coded beings don't exist.

The Aincradians were moved into Sora's Heavenly Universe, where access isn't currently enabled to the current world. And the World Tree Elves are currently still out of view of the real world.

No one knows of the existence of the living coded beings. The only evidence that they exist are the ads Sora had spread throughout the world for Sword Art Online. However even then, people thought they were just advanced AI and people posing as AI.

The gunman's face twisted into a basic form of being flustered as he quickly turned his weapon to Sora.


The gunman was only able to shoot one bullet before being touched by Sora.


Everyone stared in shock at Sora who was currently standing next to the gunman with a smirk. His hand was on the gunman's shoulder, calmly looking up at the building that looked like that of a western saloon.

All of a sudden, the sound of winning money resonated in the air before gold coins erupted out of the saloon's windows and door.

"Not too bad," muttered Sora as he rubbed his chin.

Sora collected the money before walking away and reuniting with Sinon who was still looking at him agape. Her bright eyes started at Sora, shocked at his speed that he demonstrated.

"How…?" Sinon lifted her finger slowly and pointed at Sora with a shaken look.

"Training." Sora calmly walked up to Sinon and grabbed her by the hand before taking her away.

"And a little technique I know of," whispered Sora.

Both Sora and Sinon left the casino and stood outside of it.

Turning his head to the still shocked Sinon, Sora smiled slightly before tapping her on the shoulder.

"Where to now?"

Being pulled out of her thoughts, Sinon looked up at Sora before remembering that she was helping Sora out.

Sora's speed has greatly shocked her. No one could ever go that fast unless they had special consumables. However, no matter how she looked at it, Sora has no money and also no one can use consumables outside of dungeons and matches. So using them in the mini-game makes no sense to her.

"Ah.. uhm.. the… market…" muttered Sinon absentmindedly. Sinon quickly grew more curious of Sora as they walked together to the market.