Heavenly Body

Discord Link ~ https://discord.gg/smAesXp


Sora and Sinon entered the market and looked at the wide variety of weapons.

Without wasting much time, Sora got what he wanted. A simple Five-Seven pistol and a photon sword, which was more of a lightsaber to Sora.

As a person who's mastered every single weapon, including firearms, Sora didn't need to be taught how to use the weapons. Only thing he did was weigh the weapon and aim a couple times.

"You look like you were ready," said Sinon as she looked at Sora, surprised by his quick selection.

Sora smiled and nodded, "I have some experience handling weapons, so I already knew what I basically wanted. Though I'm more of a martial weapons type of guy. I won't use firearms as much."

Sora had spent the majority of his first life training in martial weapons and only 5 years in firearms. In his new life, Sora spent all of it in martial weapons and energy.

Especially when firearms aren't deadly to him or to other martial artists. At most, the firearms are just mere toys at the hands of martial artists and cultivators.

"That's amazing," muttered Sinon, seeing how amazing Sora looked carrying a photon sword and a pistol as if it were normal.

After Sora grabbed the weapons and put them away, Sora recalled what Kikuoka had told him before.

-The player you're looking refers himself to as Death Gun.-

Sora knew that in order for Death Gun to make his name known, he'd go to a famous event that will be broadcasted to most players of the game.

"Are you going to the Bullet of Bullets tournament?"

"Hell yeah! It's the largest recurring event!"

Sora's ears twitched at the conversation of the two nearby players. With a grin growing on his face, Sora turned to Sinon and asked her, "Where do I sign up for the Bullet of Bullets event?"

"Bullet of Bullets?" asked Sinon with a skeptical look on her face. "Just follow me! I'll lead you there since I am joining as well."

"Great, then let's get moving," said Sora with a small smile on his face.

"This is where you will be signing up. After you sign up, you will be put into the preliminaries and fight against other players until the total number of players is brought down to 30. Once it's down to 30 players, you will be transported into the main part of the event, free for all."

Sora looked at the sign up screen in front of him before just writing down his name and pressing enter. Once Sora did that, he followed Sinon into the building that's hosting bullet of bullets.

"So, now all we have to do is wait," said Sinon as she went to change into her armor.

Sora didn't buy any armor at all and remained with his stylish beginner clothes. Sora carried his gun on his right thigh and the photon sword on his hip.

Time passed by and Sinon had already returned to stand by Sora as they waited. Sinon introduced Sora to her only male friend, Spiegel.

When Sora met Spiegel, his eyes narrowed at the faint killing Intent surrounding Sinon's friend. A killing Intent that was completely like one he's felt before, in SAO.

"Nice to meet you," said Sora with a small smile on his face.

"Likewise," said the boy.

Although similar, the killing Intent on the body wasn't the same one as the other in SAO. It was most likely a relative who he had felt in SAO.

'That killing intent…' thought Sora.


Maybe one of the three players Sora couldn't meet in SAO. The three players that had left Laughing Coffin the moment he decided to hunt them down.

It wasn't long until Sora was put into a match against another player. The match only lasted 2 minutes, most of which was used by Sora to quickly travel to the Player.

Without much trouble, Sora had killed the man with his pistol like a skilled assassin.

Sora didn't even pull out his photon sword. Killing the man was as easy as drinking water.

Just a bullet through the man's head as he appeared behind him like a death god.

"You're pretty skilled, but I'm equally as good. I won't lose to you," said Sinon as she stared at Sora with a smirk.

"That better be so, I'll see you soon at the free for all," said Sora, winking at Sinon before disappearing and appearing at the map the free for all will happen at.

ISL Ragnarok

Sora appeared in a dilapidated city, all a wasteland.


Looking around, Sora began walking around slowly, taking in the sight of the surroundings. He walked slowly and pulled out his gun as fast as lightning, shooting at an unexpected spot.


[Pancho has been eliminated.]

Just like that, Sora one shot killed a man without having to even look in his direction. Just a single bullet through his head was enough to take down the man.

'So now I just play the waiting game,' thought Sora as he walked over to the rundown building in front of him.

He grabbed a couple of broken stone blocks and placed them together before sitting on top of it.

Without much worry, Sora sat down and closed his eyes.

Meditating, Sora began to calm his inner self and began to cultivate his spiritual energy and mind.

With already a ton of spiritual energy, all Sora could do is refine it and make it more intense.

The Yin-Yang Image within his Sea of Consciousness always rotated quickly, tempering his flesh, bones, meridians, soul, mind, will, Dantian, and blood. It made them stronger and of higher quality every single passing second. His strength increasing little by little at a snail's pace.

Sora will need a better nourished body to be able to get more bloodlines. Since having his current bloodlines will be bad for him in the long run.

Although he couldn't see into his own future since he has no destiny or fate, Sora could still feel through his instincts that his bloodlines will just become even stronger and pure than they currently are.

The current phase his bloodlines are currently in is a half step realm before the true pinnacle of the bloodline. Their origin and beginnings of their bloodlines.


With fast movements, Sora drew the photon sword on him and held it up at the neck of the person right next to him. Once Sora realized who the person was, Sora put away the photon sword and sat back down before gazing at the person in front of him.

"You're too loud, Sinon. You should be more quiet when you're sneaking around," muttered Sora as he smirked at the light blue haired girl carrying a sniper on her back.

"You… you're just lazing around?" Sinon looked at Sora in shock, seeing as how he was taking everything so slow.

"Why not, the other players will take down each other and all I am trying to do is wait for one person," said Sora with his eyes closed.

"Who is this person you're waiting for?" asked Sinon as she looked at Sora with a blush.

"Besides you?" Sora opened one of his eyes and glanced at Sinon with a smirk before continuing, "A certain player that became notorious. I'm here to hunt him since he has done a couple of bad deeds."

Sinon blushed at Sora's words before turning serious at Sora's flowing words, "You mean Death Gun?"

"Yes. I know him from before GGO, and he has done worse deeds. For that, he needs to be personally punished by me."

Sinon wasn't too sure what Sora meant by 'punished by me', but she stayed quiet since she knew it must be something serious.

She knew that Death Gun had become notorious for 'killing' people through the game like the other infamous game, Sword Art Online.

"So you will just stay here and wait?" Sinon looked at Sora in doubt, wondering whether he was actually going to stay.

"If I have to. You're free to join me if you'd like," said Sora as he pat at the empty spot right next to him.

Sinon stayed quiet and thought for a moment before agreeing. She set her sniper to the side and sat down, stretching her legs.

"In a couple of minutes, a group of players will pass by here, make sure to snipe them down," said Sora as he continued meditating and doing some outer body meditation training.

Outer Body Meditation Training is like the first floor of Sora's Eternal Pagoda. It allows Sora to fight with whomever he knows with everything he knows about them. Their strengths, skills, and personality is all perfectly replicated within the mind.

This training method is a great way to increase battle experience and get stronger without having to move a muscle. Of course, for someone like Sora who can already defeat anyone with a flick of his finger wouldn't need this.

Then why was he training in this method?

To fight against God!

Jack and Joseph, the only two official 'Gods' Sora has ever met. According to the system before it had left him, there are beings with average Primordial bloodlines and a very high cultivation level.

Although their Primordial bloodlines are currently unknown to Sora, their strength is still pretty evident to Sora.

These 'Gods' could literally end Sora with a fart. He is nothing much right now in front of them.

That is… until he regains his strength that will be multiplied over thousands of times. Even then, he'd only be able to survive the fart but still die to a sneeze.

Within his mind, Sora was facing the weakest of the two, Joseph.

Sora made sure to make Joseph as weak as possible before trying to make a move. He would move a centimeter and Joseph would already be standing before him with Sora's chopped arm in his hand.

Sora couldn't even last a single move even with all the techniques he has since the amount of strength separating them is like the size of a drop of water to the sea.

In just a second, Sora had died hundreds of times, only improving by a centimeter.

'Damn, I won't be making any progress like this. I need to increase my strength further,' mumbled Sora as he clenched his hands.

The blood in his body rushed and circled within his body at rapid speeds. His heart pumped like a machine and his blood flowed like an increasing and smooth river.

In the outside world, Natsuki was taking good care of Sora. She wiped Sora's body with a clean wet cloth before leaving to the kitchen to grab another cloth.

She felt ashamed for what she had done and vowed to tell Sora what she had done once he woke up. Natsuki decided to accept the consequences and face them head on.

Whether Sora hates her or not, she will just have to wait and see.

Unbeknownst to Natsuki who had just left the room, Sora's skin started turning red from his rapidly pumping blood. All of a sudden, a purple glow surrounded Sora's body and slowly turned Sora's skin back to normal.

The Ki within Sora's body began to circulate and gather within Sora's body.

It destroyed every single inch of Sora's boat. His flesh, bones, meridians…

Everything was being ravaged and destroyed by the blood and Ki. It was as if Sora's body was breaking down, destroying itself and turning Sora into nothing but a lump of meat.


Heavenly Body!

As if the Heavens took pity on Sora, a golden light befell Sora and covered his body. It rebuilt every single inch and centimeter of flesh, bones and meridians as if nothing happened.

Sora's body transformed under the power of the golden light and the purple Ki. His body was tempered and refined, bringing his strength to greater heights!

A strength of 1,000 Dragons!

A four-fold in strength!


Sora seemed to instantly transform as he turned a tad bit shorter and down to 5'10". Losing two inches in height but letting his muscles become more compact and even more sense of a higher quality.

His flesh and bones let out a golden gore as if it had trapped the golden light within his body.

'Heavenly Body!' silently exclaimed Sora within his mind. He felt as if he had greatly changed and became an entirely different person. His aura changed, the light within his eyes became brighter, and he became even more confident.

Sora felt as if he had sex with hundreds of women in an instant!

'This pleasurable sensation of growing stronger is very addicting,' thought Sora as he opened his eyes and saw Sinon sitting somewhere far away.

"Now let's get back to the game."