I am Not Dead

at the end of the deserted alleyway from the slump, rubbish bins are lying around. a mouse as big as palm can be found everywhere. at the end of the deserted hallway, you can see pedestrians passing by.

in a shabby tent made of dull and perforated cloth, there was a boy who had bruises all over his body even his face could not be recognized if it was not seen closely.

"Ouch, looks like I'm not dead yet, I think I should continue to live my rotten life again"

At the end of the tent, a girl holds a stick in her hand and a boy who has his eyes closed while sucking his thumb.

"Are you the one who saved me? Just so you know I don't have anything to get back at you"

the girl smiled while looking at him, and she pointed her finger at herself. "Mary, Mary Jarwagner" After that she pointed to the boy next to her "Finn, Finn Jarwagner" and finally she pointed her finger at Gen.

"You want to know my name?cause you saved my life, it seems I have no other choice"

I raised my hand with difficulty and pointed at myself while saying "Gen, Nakagawa Gen". After I thought again this was the first time I had introduced myself since coming to this world. They would usually leave after knowing that I did not understand their words.

the girl smiled broadly when she heard me introduce my name. And she pointed at herself, the boy and me.

"Mary, Finn, Gen"

even though I said they had saved my life, my body was still full of bruises and wounds. It seemed like it would take about 2 weeks for my body to move again. While Gen was still recovering he was not lazy. For him, this was an opportunity to learn the language of this world. as soon as possible. He tried to start a conversation as much as possible. If other people saw this, they would say that he was noisy and annoying. But fortunately, the girl and the boy gladly accompanied him.

while trying to learn the language of this world, genes know that the girl and the boy are siblings. Their parents were merchants but they were killed by bandits when they wanted to go to this city, somehow they both survived the incident. when trying to escape Mary was hit by an arrow on her right leg and Finn lost his eyesight on one of the bandits because he couldn't stand hearing his cry.

Gen felt sympathy for them, it was probably because he had felt what it was like to have a perfect life and one day it all turned into a nightmare. After 2 weeks of recovering his body, Gen could finally communicate with the siblings, if there were sentences that he didn't know about, he will ask it directly. It seems like remembering the name of food is not the only thing he gets when coming to this world, he can feel the speed of learning, analysis and memory increase rapidly. Just by trying a little he has understood how to speak using this world language.

"Expected of me, something like this is just like breakfast for me hahahahaha" while laughing alone. mary and finn come bringing food for Gen. "You are disgusting as usual," Finn said while looking at Gen.

"finn is not good to say someone like that" while looking at Gen, she said "all humans are the same no matter how disgusting he is"

"Geh, you siblings really have a sharp mouth"

"Do you think so?" Mary said while giving bread to Gen. The bread was very hard and had no taste at all, but for Gen the bread was 10 times better than the food he used to eat. The bread cost 10 choppers, the price was very expensive for a stone-like bread. but Mary still buys it because there is no other place that wants to sell them food. mary and Finn get the money from begging, in one day they can get 1-3 silver every day. But they can't save the money because they have to give almost all of that money to the boss of this region, leaving only Mary and Finn 30-40 chopper every day. The boss of this region is called Black Bear, he also works with the street stall to sell Mary and Finn this hard bread. mary can't buy food around this area at a normal price, because of the threat of the black bear. maybe so that Mary can't save money to get out of this place.

"But why haven't I met black bear all this time, do they not want my money? '

"hahaha really funny, you even have to search from the trash can to survive. what money do you mean ?" Mary immediately replied when she heard Gen

"The reason they aren't after you is they think you're just a stupid kid who can't even talk. And think you're going to die the next day"

"Oh, they have the guts to think that way about me, I'll make those scums regret it"

"Gen, you really have a foul mouth"

"Do you think so? At my place everyone talks like this, I'm even considered the most polite one"

"Yeah right," Mary said, while eating her bread

since a long time ago Gen has had a foul mouth, he likes to say what is in his head regardless of others. and after coming to this world it only gets worse.

"oh yeah, do you know who that young man that you are trying to pickpocket"

"Is he quite famous here?"

"He is quite famous, he is Liam de Bolbec, the son of Duke Walter de Bolbec, the lord of this city. And the man beside him is his bodyguard.

"Really? no wonder that he dares to come to a place like this with that kind of look" after saying that Gen thought for a while and asked again

"I know it's a little late, but can you tell me where is this place?

"are you serious?all this time you live here you don't even know where this is?" with a surprised face Mary asked


"pfft hahahaha hahahaha" mary and finn burst out laugh

"Hey come on, I can only talk after meeting with you guys"

After stopping laughing, Mary took a deep breath and answered Gen's question

"This place is city of Lanfest, the second-largest city in the Kingdom of Formithler"

in fact, it was the first question Gen asked when he first came to this world, but after not getting answers several times he gave up asking again and only focused on survival.

at dawn and the sun had not yet risen,Gen stretched his body in front of the tent that was almost destroyed, when doing a stretching a boy came out of the tent and asked

"Gen, is your body already okay?"

"Yeah, I've been able to move my body easily, I can't always depend on you guys"

"It's good that you have self-awareness, so what are you going to do now?"

"Of course I will take revenge"

"Huh, are you crazy? Don't you remember what my sister told you. You will die if you want to take revenge on him"

"Of course not, I'm not that stupid"

Although Gen did want to take revenge on the young man, but that was something he could not do right now. The revenge he wanted to do was pickpocket, Gen was the type that would not stop until he could do something that he already decided and other reasons he did this was he wanted to return the favor to the siblings. Gen learned that when they tried to save Gen, Mary used low-grade potions to Gen so he could survive. They used their savings to buy the potions, which they want to use for Mary. When Gen found out about this, she asked Mary why she did it. Mary said that she needed high-grade potions to heal her legs and Gen only needed low-grade potions to survive. Gen was very guilty when she said that. Because Gen knows how difficult their lives are and how much time and struggles they put into buying potions that.

Gen determined to himself that he would buy a high-grade potion for mary and take them out of this place. Of course, Gen wanted to cure Finn eyes, but healing blind eyes was not that easy, he needed an All Cure Potion which was only sold in the temple with a very limited amount. buying it in the near future is not an option, so he makes it a long-term plan

"Alright Finn I'll go, tell Mary I'll be back before dark"